Photon's Homepage!

Hello, I'm Eric.
I've live in beautiful Auburn Washington, located between the Cascade mountain range,
Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula.
70 miles away, Mt. Rainier dominates the landscape like the fist of God.
I do applications with high power industrial Lasers for a living and web design as a hobby. This site is for old friends and family. We'll try to keep it simple and relatively fast loading (or not)! There's lotsa graphics and way too much scrolling but what the heck, it's just for fun! Having done sites for businesses, personal friends, Non profit organizations and such, I'd just like to say that, "will you guys please quit asking me to do webpages for you?!? I'm busy!( or least out having fun somewhere!)"
I enjoy gardening and have a sizeable vegetable garden (which is in constant change).
I am also a motorcycle enthusiast and have been riding for over twenty years. I still own the first bike I ever rode, a 1974 Kawasaki H2E (European model,still one of the fastest production motorcycles ever built). I'll add some pictures of it, if I can get the dust off it. My primary source of riding enjoyment these days is a full dress Harley Davidson , model FLHTC, manufactured in 1986.

Yes Virginia, that is one our famous giant cabbages!

Live long and prosper!!!!

Resistance is will be assimilated!!!

Summer 1999 Bike Runs and activities

Click on the Surf and Sun Run to see some ABATE and Hog runs (and other stuff!) in the beautiful Pacific Northwest!

Scooter shots

Big Red | Green Machine 1 | Green Machine 2 | Green Machine 3

Surf & Sun Run| On the road | Pit Stop | Tough Customers

At the Pass | At the Gorge | Kyre's wild ride | On the Columbia

My neighbors | Supertramp at the Gorge | Eastern Washington | Outside Ellensburg

Oyster Run | In the street | Anacortes | On the Road

The Mars Global Surveyor is presntly engaged in mapping the surface of the angry red planet!!!
Click on the image of Mars to visit the MGS website.

Congratulations NASA\JPL Mars Global Surveyor team!

Click here to read Dr. Mark Carlotto's analysis of the MGS imaging of the Face on Mars

Here are some sites which I like to visit . The topics are somewhat controversial.
You be the judge!

The Art Bell Webpage

The Enterprise Mission

The McDaniel Report Newsletter

The Martian Enigmas Homepage

The Mars Surface Anomaly Analysis Group

Infosource Research (David Jinks) website

Comments and/or suggestions? Send to Photon's feedback

Created and Maintained by: Photon (Eric C. Lausch) / content owner - photographer - maintenance
Auburn, Wa.

This page will last be updated on December 31, 2012. (Just prior to the collapse of civilization as we know it!)