
by Kat

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Fandom: Phantom Menace

Category: Discipline

Archive: Persuaders for sure, if you want it :)

Feedback: Is welcomed

Disclaimer: All recognisable characters belong to George Lucas. It's all his, it's not mine, I make no money, and I only write about these guys because I love them so much. :)

Summary: Having been secretly in love with his Master for years, Obi-Wan is struck by a sudden and very severe case of jealousy when he sees someone else flirting with Qui-Gon.

* * * * * * * * * *

Obi-Wan had not thrown a tantrum - not a really good yelling, throwing things, out of control tantrum - since he was four.

And he had been spanked for that one, too.

Now, here he was some sixteen years later, lying on a ridiculously large bed in his very lavish temporary quarters and *not* celebrating the coronation of the King of Thrin, which was what he should have been doing. Instead, he was nursing a sore backside and a heavy heart, and wondering what in the Force had possessed him to act as he had done. Although, if he were to be truly honest with himself, he knew very well what had possessed him.


Obi-Wan sighed, and allowed his mind to drift back to the events that had ultimately led him to this rather undignified position...

* * * * * * * * * *

Obi-Wan stood beside his Master as the ritual words of the coronation were spoken, and the new King of Thrin stepped forward solemnly to receive the blessing of his people. Their mission - to witness the coronation as representatives of the Republic - was now officially completed, although they would be expected to stay for the celebrations.

It hardly rated the term 'mission', Obi-Wan thought with a faint smile. But that was the whole point. Their last six months had been exceedingly stressful; mission after hair-raising mission had been placed in their hands with barely a day between them. Obi-Wan had been badly injured twice in that time, and by the end of their last assignment, he had felt that both he and his Master were nearing the breaking point. Thankfully, the council had agreed with them, and had promised them some down time on Coruscant as soon as this last very simple mission was completed.

They had arrived last night, and after meeting with the young King and his advisors, and being informed what their role would be in the proceedings - Obi-Wan had privately summed it up as 'Stand there and look like Jedi' - they had been shown to an extremely impressive suite of rooms and left to their own devices. Their own devices had in this case consisted of a brief discussion about their responsibilities in the ceremony, followed by collapsing into bed. Very large and impressive beds, at that. In fact, the beds were so large that Obi-Wan had felt somewhat dwarfed by his, and had attempted to stretch out as much as possible in order to make the wretched thing seem a little less imposing.

The next day was the coronation ceremony, which had begun in the early afternoon and lasted until the actual coronation at dusk. As soon as the sun had set, the ritual words were spoken and the coronation ceremony completed, and now Obi-Wan was watching the new King greet the people he would rule and serve.

The King gave a short address which was broadcast planetwide, pausing at the end to acknowledge the two Jedi as the representatives of the Republic, and then bid them all to join in the celebrations that would doubtless be taking place all over the planet, and would last for several days. When he ended his speech, the various politicians and dignitaries began to make their way through into what Obi-Wan had termed the 'palace party room' - an enormous split level hall with a large centre fountain, multiple mezzanine floors, and a vast collection of terraces and balconies, protruding from the walls in a giant jigsaw puzzle of construction, all the way up to the soaring ceiling.

Obi-Wan thought that even if the occasion in question was an exercise in boredom, one could amuse oneself by exploring the multitude of balconies and levels and sampling the different views available. Perhaps that had been the whole point in it's design.

The celebration *was* boring, and Obi-Wan eventually reached his tolerance limit for chatting with simpering politicians and excused himself to do his exploring. He didn't actually think he'd be up for much wandering around - he was still tired, despite a good night's sleep, and he was already starting to develop one of the headaches he had been prone to since his last injury. However, he thought he might be able to find a convenient place to hide that would save him from any further meaningless conversations.

He was aware that this was not proper behaviour for a Jedi Padawan - he should have been out among the public; if not actually trailing behind his Master then at least in sight of him - but he just couldn't face it. After what they had been though recently, Qui-Gon would not reprimand him for it, he was sure.

Well, fairly sure, anyway.

After a little bit of investigation, he found a rather nice hiding place on a balcony two floors up. The balcony in question had the consideration to be both dimly lit and uninhabited, and Obi-Wan promptly adopted it. From this position, he could look down on the main floor and keep an eye on things...and also keep an eye on Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan spotted him immediately, talking with the new King and his current circle of admirers. He figured that if, by some horrible chance, the celebration was suddenly interrupted by an outbreak of war, or an uprising against the King, or a horde of marauding pirates - in fact by anything up to and including fire, flood, and wild dogs - he would be able to simply jump off the balcony and be at Qui-Gon's side in mere moments.

A moment later he shook his head at the direction his thoughts were taking. / Wild dogs? Unlikely. / He considered for a moment. / Possible...but unlikely. /

Perhaps he *should* see the healers about his head again.

He continued to watch Qui-Gon as his Master shadowed the new King through the crowd. Qui-Gon was too far away for Obi-Wan to see his face, but he didn't need to - he had seen Qui-Gon in operation many times before, and could picture it exactly. His Master would greet everyone he was introduced to with a pleasant smile, appearing relaxed and even relatively informal, for a Jedi - but his eyes would scan constantly, on the lookout for trouble. Obi-Wan knew that the relaxed posture could, if necessary, be abandoned for a battle stance in a matter of seconds.

He smiled, a little dreamily. A great deal of the time it was truly awful to be unrequitedly in love with one's Master...but there were other times when it was really rather nice.

Obi-Wan had long since accepted that his so-called 'Padawan crush' on his Master simply was not going to go away. He knew in his heart that it was no crush, either. He had been in love with Qui-Gon for the last four years...even longer than that if he counted the actual crush phase which had preceded it. It could be anything from difficult to wonderful, depending on the situation, but in all that time he had never spoken of it to anyone. He sometimes had the vague suspicion that Qui-Gon knew - he had become very paranoid for a while, wondering whether he talked in his sleep when they shared quarters - but if he did know, he had never said anything directly.

/ Probably figures I'll get over it, / Obi-Wan thought morosely, his mood darkening. He sighed. Sometimes he wished fiercely that he could just tell Qui-Gon and get it over with. But he knew what the reaction would be if he did.

/ "I'm honoured, Padawan, *but*." /

Relationships between Masters and Padawans were not unheard of - they were not encouraged, but provided the Padawan was over the age of consent, they were not condemned either. However, Obi-Wan knew that Qui-Gon would never agree to a relationship with someone he had such power over. Obi-Wan knew him well enough to know the way his mind worked, and so he also knew that with Qui-Gon's sense of justice, he would see such a thing as...unfair.

The only chance Obi-Wan had was to wait until he was Knighted and try his luck then.

He sighed again and directed his attention back to Qui-Gon, who was still surreptitiously watching the King's back. Technically, guarding the King was not part of their mission - it had not been thought necessary; the new ruler had been fairly elected and was very popular. However, Qui-Gon had probably decided that as long as he was here, it was better to be safe than sorry.

/ And I'm skulking in the shadows instead of watching his back, / Obi-Wan thought with a flash of guilt. / Some Padawan I am. Maybe I should go back down and mingle. /

He made a face. His head still hurt, and he really wasn't in the mood for mingling. However, after several long minutes of wrestling with his conscience, his headache was finally forced to admit defeat. / All right, I'll go back down. Any minute now. /

He cast another glance down at Qui-Gon, and frowned. His Master was now chatting with a young dark-haired woman who was standing *very* close to him. So close, in fact, that she couldn't be doing anything but flirting with him. He sighed. It was hardly the first time - women tended to fawn over his Master, especially if they had had a few drinks and were no longer as intimidated by his Jedi status.

/ I should go down and rescue him, / he thought. It wouldn't be the first time for that, either. Sometimes Qui-Gon would send him a little push through their bond when he really needed an escape, but Obi-Wan could often preempt that now. / She'll just get offended when he doesn't take her up on it and it'll get all ugly. Besides, I was going to go back down anyway. I can't just hide up here all night. /

Casting a last wistful glance around his balcony, he headed back out into the throng, aiming for the stairs. He made it down to the next level unmolested, but once there he was immediately waylaid by an elderly dignitary and his wife, who had apparently spoken to Qui-Gon earlier and were delighted to find *another* Jedi to chat with. Obi-Wan slipped automatically into diplomat mode and exchanged pleasantries with as much charm as he could muster. Unfortunately, that only encouraged the elderly couple to talk more, and it was a good ten minutes before he was able to extricate himself, politely explaining that it had been a pleasure talking to them but he really had to find his Master now. Thankfully, they let him go at that, and he shot off down the stairs before anyone else could talk to him.

Once on the main floor, he headed straight for the spot where he had last seen Qui-Gon. However, on reaching it, he found the King and his circle but Qui-Gon was nowhere to be seen. Surprised, he turned to scan the room. It took him two sweeps to find his Master, and when he did, he simply froze, staring.

Qui-Gon had taken a seat on one of the ornate benches that ringed the fountain in the centre of the room. The dark-haired young woman who had been flirting with him earlier was sitting next to him - and she was sitting *close*. She was speaking, gesturing earnestly, and Qui-Gon was smiling broadly at her. Suddenly she laughed, and Obi-Wan saw with a sudden flash of jealousy that she was very pretty. And from the look of it, Qui-Gon seemed to think so too.

Obi-Wan tried to tamp down the rush of envy that surged within him as Qui-Gon smiled down at the girl. He knew he was being foolish - he had watched Qui-Gon have conversations with countless people over the years, not a few of them more than interested in pursuing something with the tall, commanding Jedi, and it had never affected him like this.

/ It's just because I'm tired, / he told himself. / It's been a long six months, that's all. There's no need to be jealous - he's just being pleasant. /

Qui-Gon laughed unrestrainedly at something the girl said, and Obi-Wan had to close his eyes for a moment. / I'm too tired for this, / he thought desperately. / I should just excuse myself and go to bed. He won't even notice I'm gone. / The thought made him frown. / Yes, and that's the problem, isn't it? / he asked himself bitterly. / He *won't* notice I'm gone. And more than anything I wish he would. /

Taking a deep breath to control his jealousy and irritation, he turned to go. He wanted out of this party, right now, before he embarrassed himself.


Qui-Gon's voice stopped him dead in his tracks and he groaned inwardly. / Damn it, why did he have to see me? / He turned to see his Master beckoning to him, and crossed to him reluctantly. "Yes, Master?"

Qui-Gon smiled at him. "I was wondering where you'd got to. Have you been exploring?"

"A little, Master," Obi-Wan said flatly. He was already feeling more jealous than he ever remembered feeling in his life and he badly wanted to get away from Qui-Gon and the woman before something happened to make him feel even worse.

Qui-Gon's eyebrow lifted slightly at his Padawan's tone, but he made no comment on it. "Obi-Wan, I'd like you to meet Jalmea Vallin; she is also a visitor here."

Obi-Wan turned a flat glare on the young woman. "Pleased to meet you," he said, knowing he sounded anything but. "Master, if you will excuse me I think I'm going to go to bed." He turned on his heel and started to walk away. He heard a rustling behind him and knew that his Master had got up to follow him, but he didn't stop until he heard his voice.

"Obi-Wan, stop right there." He did, and turned to find his Master looking distinctly annoyed. "Padawan, what has got into you?"

"Nothing," Obi-Wan said dully, directing his gaze at the floor.

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Don't give me that, Obi-Wan. You were inexcusably rude. I have never seen you act like that before."

Obi-Wan looked briefly up at his Master, then back at the floor. He didn't reply.

"All right," Qui-Gon said, and Obi-Wan could hear the irritation in his voice. "If this is how you are going to behave, perhaps you should go to bed. But before you do, you will make your apologies to Jalmea and you will explain to the King that you are retiring."

Obi-Wan looked up sharply at that. "I will not," he said petulantly. He was more than a little surprised at his own impudence, but the words were out before he could call them back.

Qui-Gon crossed his arms and leveled his most intimidating glare at his apprentice. "You will do as I say, Padawan."

Obi-Wan's chin lifted. "No," he said angrily. "I'm tired, I have a headache and I want to go to bed. And I'm going, *now*." He turned deliberately and started to stalk off, only to be brought up short by Qui-Gon's voice, which was now grim and deadly.

"Padawan, you will *not* turn your back on me."

Obi-Wan turned back, his eyes flashing. "Fuck you," he said defiantly. He heard several shocked murmurs from those nearby, but right at that moment he didn't care. Lifting his chin, he turned to walk out.

He hadn't taken more than three steps when Qui-Gon was suddenly at his side, hand clamping around his upper arm. "Come with me, Padawan," Qui-Gon hissed. "And do so quietly, or you will regret it."

Qui-Gon sounded so angry that Obi-Wan was startled into obedience, despite his contrary mood. He made no protest as Qui-Gon led him out of the hall and down the long corridors to their quarters. Neither of them spoke on the walk; Obi-Wan had the distinct suspicion that Qui-Gon was struggling very hard to control his anger and did not want to speak in case that control lapsed.

Obi-Wan, for his part, was rather shocked at the turn events had taken, and did not really know what to say. He thought about the fact that he had just said "Fuck you" to his Master, felt slightly nauseous and decided not to think about it again. He then remembered Qui-Gon smiling down at Jalmea and felt jealous all over again. After that, he thought about the fact that all he had wanted to do was go to bed quietly, but Qui-Gon couldn't even let him do that. That made him angry all over again too, and by the time they did finally reach their quarters he was well geared up for a fight. Some small part of him was dimly alarmed by what was happening, but the rest was too jealous and angry to care.

Qui-Gon opened the door and entered, pulling Obi-Wan in with him. The door swished shut behind them and Qui-Gon released his hold on Obi-Wan, turning away for a long moment. When he turned back, his expression was almost calm.

"Padawan, I want an explanation for that disgraceful display."

Obi-Wan glared up at him. "The explanation is simple. I'm tired, my head hurts and I wish to go to bed. I was trying to do just that."

"And being blatantly disrespectful to me in public was helping you to achieve that?" Qui-Gon asked. The anger was back on his face now.

"You wouldn't even have noticed I'd gone!" Obi-Wan snapped. "If you'd just let me bloody well leave none of this would have happened!"

"Padawan!" Qui-Gon's voice cracked like a whip. "I will not tolerate such disrespect from you!"

"It's not disrespect, it's a fact!" Obi-Wan retorted. "I just wanted to go to bed in peace! You could have stayed and partied all bloody night for all I care!" It came out as a snarl. He was really angry now; more angry than he could remember being in a long, long time.

"Stop swearing at me, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, his voice dangerously quiet. "I will not tell you again."

"Oh, screw you!" Obi-Wan hissed. "Go back to your damn party!"

Qui-Gon's face darkened in fury. "Padawan, you are treading a very fine line with me right now," he said coldly. "I would strongly suggest that you consider the consequences before you speak again."

"I don't care about the damn consequences!" Obi-Wan said furiously. He turned blindly, clenching his fists impotently at his sides in an effort to control himself. A moment later he lost the battle. Snatching a delicate glass ornament from a nearby shelf, he flung it hard at the wall. It shattered on impact; a hail of tiny shards sprinkling the floor beneath it.

"Padawan!" Qui-Gon sounded shocked as well as angry now. "That's enough!"

"It's nowhere near enough!" Another ornament joined the first, shattering explosively against the wall, and Obi-Wan reached for a third.

"I said that's enough!" Qui-Gon gestured, and Obi-Wan's arms were suddenly tethered to his sides by invisible bonds. There was no use fighting them, and he subsided, fuming.

Qui-Gon walked over to him, stopping in front of him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He took several deep breaths, and when he spoke, his voice was strained but calm. "I know that the past six months have been stressful in the extreme, Obi-Wan," he said quietly. "I realise that you have been pushed beyond your limits, and that an emotional outburst is a natural result of this. But I will not tolerate such disrespect from you, and I certainly will not tolerate childish temper tantrums. Is that understood?"

Obi-Wan's eyes flashed. He was not ready to give up his childish temper tantrum just yet. "Yes, *Master*," he snarled, the words dripping sarcasm.

Qui-Gon's expression darkened again. "You are acting like a six-year-old brat, not a Jedi. It will stop now, Padawan, or I will deal with you in the appropriate manner. Now apologise."

Qui-Gon's voice was level, but he was clearly furious. Usually that tone would have subdued Obi-Wan instantly, and kept him subdued for quite some time to come. The small part of his mind that was not seething with jealousy was shouting warnings at the top of its lungs.

Unfortunately, Obi-Wan was too far gone to heed them.

"I won't," he said stubbornly, setting his jaw.

Qui-Gon looked at him for a long moment, his expression hard. "Very well, Padawan. It seems you must learn this lesson the hard way."

He turned and stalked to the table, pulling a chair out and turning it to face the room. He sat down, and Obi-Wan felt the Force-bonds release him. "Come here, Padawan," Qui-Gon said firmly.

From Qui-Gon's position, Obi-Wan knew exactly what he meant to do, and he felt a flutter of nervousness in the pit of his stomach. But the anger and jealousy still held the balance of power, and he didn't move.

Qui-Gon's eyes glittered angrily. "Padawan, you are only making this worse for yourself. I would suggest that you obey me and that you do it now." His voice was low and deadly.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath. He didn't think he had ever heard Qui-Gon sound that angry before. The flutter of nervousness sprouted a second set of wings, and the call of obedience tugged at him. Still fuming, but too accustomed to obeying that voice, he moved reluctantly over to Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon leveled a hard gaze at him. "Pants down, Padawan, and over my knee. If you are going to behave like a child, I will deal with you as one." His tone brooked no argument.

Obi-Wan swallowed hard. The anger he had felt was rapidly being competed out by a spreading wave of nervous anticipation. The last time Qui-Gon had spanked him had been nearly two years ago now, but he remembered it well, and he also remembered not liking it one bit. He hesitated, biting his lip.

"*Now*, Padawan!" Qui-Gon barked.

Obi-Wan jumped at the tone, and found his hands going automatically to the waistband of his pants. His emotions were a swirling jumble. The jealousy and anger were still strongly present, but they were now doing battle with a healthy dose of fear and embarrassment, and a growing sense of shame. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so confused.

But as always, his Master was a point of focus in the confusion, an anchor to cling to in the raging sea of emotional chaos. His Master had given him an order. He had to obey.

Even if he *really* didn't want to.

Cheeks flaming with embarrassment, his distress showing clearly on his face, Obi-Wan loosened the drawstrings on his pants and pushed both them and his underwear down to his knees. He hesitated again, glancing up at his Master, but on seeing the implacable resolve in Qui-Gon's face he knew there would be no reprieve. Trembling slightly, Obi-Wan stepped forward and bent over his Master's lap.

Qui-Gon adjusted his position slightly, and Obi-Wan endured the indignity with clenched teeth. And what made it even worse was that since Qui-Gon was so much taller than he was, this humiliating position still *worked*. By the Force, he *felt* about six years old!

Qui-Gon flipped up the long tunic that had, until then, been preserving his Padawan's modesty. Obi-Wan winced as his backside was exposed to his Master's gaze. His emotional state was still a battleground, but humiliation was currently the top of the heap.

Qui-Gon placed a firm hand in the small of Obi-Wan's back, immobilising him. "I had not thought I would need to do this again, Padawan, but your behaviour tonight more than warrants it. Your actions were not those of a Jedi Padawan, but of a spoiled child having a tantrum. I have no idea what has come over you."

There was nothing Obi-Wan hated more than being lectured while he was draped over his Master's lap waiting to be punished. He wished desperately that Qui-Gon would get on with it.

"Your focus determines your reality, Padawan; if you behave like a child, you will in all likelihood be treated as one. I hope this will help you to remember that." The hand on his back applied a little more pressure, signaling that the punishment was about to start.

Short lecture. Thank the Force.

Obi-Wan was not quite so thankful a moment later, though, when Qui-Gon's large hand descended on his backside for the first time, delivering a hard swat to each cheek. He jumped at the sudden sting. Qui-Gon had put a fair amount of force into those.

The next two swats made him gasp, and the third pair elicited a hiss of pain that would have been a yelp if he hadn't caught it in time. His Master was certainly not holding back.

The swats continued to fall, and Obi-Wan could hardly believe how much it hurt. It had been a long time since he had been in this position, and clearly he had forgotten just how painful a spanking from Qui-Gon could be. He could feel tears threatening, and he was biting his lip hard to hold back the yelps of pain, hoping he could get through this with at least a little of his dignity intact.

But as the spanking continued, the fire in his backside was stoked up to intolerable proportions, and biting his lip was simply not going to sustain him any longer. Tears began to fall, and his breath caught in a sob. It *hurt*, he couldn't believe how much it hurt!

Two hard swats to the backs of his thighs finally drew a yelp out of him, and his body shook with a painful sob. Before he knew it, he was pleading for it to stop. "M-Master, please - I'm sorry!"

Qui-Gon ignored him. The rain of swats continued down his thighs, and Obi-Wan started to cry in earnest. "Please," he begged through his tears, "Master, please - no more!"

Qui-Gon moved his hand back up to Obi-Wan's bottom, concentrating his blows right on the junction of buttocks and thighs. Obi-Wan cried out at the intense sting and tried to squirm away, his control finally breaking altogether. He was sobbing openly now, pleading almost incoherently for an end to the punishment. "I'm s-s-sorry, Master! Please st-stop!"

Qui-Gon delivered six more hard swats, eliciting even louder howls from his thoroughly chastised Padawan, and then stopped. Obi-Wan continued to cry, stammering out apologies between heartrending sobs.

The hand that had been holding Obi-Wan down now began to trace soothing circles on his back, encouraging him to calm down. Slowly, Obi-Wan's sobs tapered off to sniffles and shuddering breaths, and Qui-Gon helped him up. Gaze planted firmly on his boots, Obi-Wan pulled his pants back up and refastened them. He clenched his hands at his sides, fighting the urge to rub his flaming backside.

Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan's chin in his hand, tilting his head up to make the young man meet his eyes. Obi-Wan blushed again as he looked up at Qui-Gon, but his Master's gaze held only fond compassion. A large hand gently wiped the tears away.

"I think that you should go and meditate on your behaviour tonight, Padawan. After you have had some time to think, we will talk about it."

Obi-Wan nodded, still sniffling. "Y-yes, Master."

"Off you go, then." A last caress to his cheek and Qui-Gon released him. Obi-Wan bowed shakily and promptly fled into his room. Once he had the door safely shut behind him, he flung himself headlong across the wide bed and buried his face in the thick coverlet, feeling tears start down his cheeks again.

/ What was that? / he asked himself, bewildered and beyond horrified at his behaviour. / What *was* that? How could I have done that? How could I have *spoken* to him like that? How - how *could* I? /

A sob shook him as he thought again of the terrible things he had said to his Master, the total lack of respect he had shown him...

/ Oh, Force. What have I *done*? /

With that thought, he began to cry again, if anything even harder than he had cried while he was being spanked. He pressed his face deeper into the bedcovers, trying to muffle the sobs. / This is the end. I wanted him to think of me as an adult, an equal...a *lover*. I was *jealous*, for Force's sake! And so what do I do? I go and throw a fit that a five-year-old would envy. He'll probably think of me as a child for the next *year* over this! Or longer! / The thought just made him cry even harder. He stuffed a fist in his mouth to muffle the noise and wondered if it was possible to actually die of misery.

* * * * * * * * * *

He had bawled unashamedly for perhaps the next fifteen minutes before deciding that it probably wasn't possible to die of misery, because if it was, it surely would have happened already. Finally, his sobs had subsided back into sniffles again, and he had wiped his eyes and attempted to pull himself together.

And now, here he was, more or less together (leaning slightly towards less) and contemplating his situation. It did not make for pleasant reflection.

Sighing, he rested his chin on his hands and tried to think. When Qui-Gon came back, he would be expecting an explanation for what had happened. And since Obi-Wan had no intention of telling him the real reason why he had behaved so badly, this posed a difficult problem.

/ I can just picture it. 'Oh, well, you see, Master, I've been in love with you for years and for some reason I got really jealous seeing you with that girl tonight. No, I'm not sure why, no idea at all. Thought perhaps I just might be overtired. Sorry.' / He shook his head in disgust. / Yes, that'll go down well. /

And yet, he couldn't lie to Qui-Gon about what had happened, either. One, it was forbidden. And two, Qui-Gon would know damn well he was lying. He'd certainly seen right through it both the times he'd been idiotic enough to try it before now.

He shifted uncomfortably on the large bed, wincing. His backside still stung fiercely, and he knew it probably would for some time. Qui-Gon had not held back.

/ I deserved it, though, / Obi-Wan thought sadly. / Force, what a mess. How did I get myself into this? What am I going to tell him? What *can* I tell him? /

He took a deep breath. / OK, Kenobi. Get it together. You'll tell him the truth, like you have to. You just need to find a way to say it so that you can skip that little part about you being in love with him. There must be a way to do that! /

With that in mind, he began to rack his brains, trying to think up the best way to explain what had happened.

* * * * * * * * * *

The soft chime at his door roused Obi-Wan from his pondering, bringing him sharply back to reality. He glanced at the chrono by the bed and saw that nearly two hours had passed. Qui-Gon - he could sense that it was Qui-Gon who was at his door - had apparently decided that that was long enough for him to have thought about his behaviour.

Which meant he would now be expecting an explanation.

And Obi-Wan still hadn't thought of one.

/ Damn it, damn it, damn it. / He looked apprehensively at the door. / I wonder if I could pretend I'm asleep? /

The door chimed again; Qui-Gon knew very well that he wasn't asleep. / Sith hells. Oh well, here we go. /

He climbed off the bed, wincing as his abused backside protested the movement, and ran his hands through his short hair. He knew he probably looked dreadful; tear-stained and sore and nervous as hell, but there wasn't much he could do about it now. He walked quickly over to the door and opened it.

Qui-Gon stood there, tall and serene in the muted light of Obi-Wan's room. His calm gaze swept over his Padawan, taking in the disheveled appearance, and his expression softened. "How are you feeling, Padawan?" he asked gently.

"I'm all right, Master," Obi-Wan said quietly. "Please, come in."

He stood aside as Qui-Gon entered and sat down on the bed, gesturing to Obi-Wan to come and sit beside him. Obi-Wan did so, wincing a little as he sat, and Qui-Gon smiled sympathetically and ruffled his hair. "Padawan, I was hoping we could talk about what happened tonight."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said obediently.

Qui-Gon looked at him for a long moment, his expression grave. "Obi-Wan, I am worried about you. I have never seen you behave as badly as you did tonight. I would like to know what happened."

Obi-Wan hung his head in shame. "I am so sorry, Master. I should never have said those things to you. I did not mean it, any of it, and I am so sorry." He looked up at Qui-Gon, hoping that his Master would see his sincerity.

"I know you didn't mean it, Obi-Wan. You were angry and you spoke without thinking. But what I would like to know is *why* you were so angry."

/ Now it gets complicated, / Obi-Wan thought. "I - I am honestly not sure why I became so angry, Master," he said hesitantly. / Which is true. / "I - I was just so tired..." His voice trailed off, and he dropped his eyes again, not wanting to meet his Master's gaze.

There was a long pause before Qui-Gon spoke. "I know that I have asked a lot from you these last six months, Padawan," he said gently. "And with the injuries you sustained..." He shook his head. "I'm afraid I sometimes forget how young you are. You have done very well on a lot of very stressful assignments, and we have been hopping from one to the other without any time to rest. I should have seen that you were so near the breaking point, and for that, I am sorry."

Obi-Wan shook his head, horrified that Qui-Gon would feel guilty over something that was totally not his fault. "No, Master, you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who should be sorry, for how I behaved. I was awful. It was completely unacceptable."

"Yes, it was, but I believe I made my point about that," Qui-Gon said meaningfully, and Obi-Wan nodded ruefully. "However, Padawan, I think I am just as much to blame as you this time. I am responsible for your welfare, and you have clearly been pushed too hard recently."

"As have you, Master," Obi-Wan said quietly.

"Yes, but I have many years more experience than you do, Padawan. You are not fully trained yet."

"I should have dealt with my anger better, though."

"Yes, you should. But you had reason to be angry, I think. I should have been taking better care of you."

Obi-Wan looked up at Qui-Gon, suddenly realising what his Master was thinking. / He thinks I was angry about all the missions! That I was angry at *him* for not seeing how tired I was! /

He opened his mouth to speak, to tell Qui-Gon that that wasn't the case at all - and then stopped. If he said that, Qui-Gon would then want to know the real reason for his anger.

And the real reason for his anger was *not* something he wanted to confess.

He struggled with his conscience for a long moment, part of him wishing desperately that he could just tell Qui-Gon of his feelings and get it over with - but the thought of the kind rejection that would surely follow such a confession was simply too hard to bear. / I can't do it. I just can't. /

He sighed, dropping his eyes again. He could feel Qui-Gon watching him, and a moment later a hand tilted his chin up, forcing him to meet Qui-Gon's eyes.

"Was there something you wanted to say, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked, his voice warm and concerned.

Obi-Wan tried to smile, but failed. "Only - only that I am sorry, Master - again." / Which is true. I *am* sorry! /

"I know you are. And so am I." Qui-Gon smiled at Obi-Wan, reaching out to lay a hand on his shoulder. "Hopefully it will be some time before we are pushed that hard again."

Obi-Wan leaned into his Master's touch, needing the comfort it gave him. "I am truly sorry for my disrespect, Master," he said softly. "I would never want you to think I did not respect you."

"I don't, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said. "And that's enough sorrys. I know you're sorry. You're also forgiven." He reached out, pulling Obi-Wan into a warm embrace, and Obi-Wan gratefully cuddled close, hiding his face against Qui-Gon's shoulder. Oh, being hugged by Qui-Gon felt so good...if he could do so, he would happily stay here for hours on end. / I love you, Master, / he thought fiercely. / I wish I could tell you that! /

Qui-Gon's arms tightened around him, and they stayed that way for long moments before Qui-Gon released him, pulling back slightly to look Obi-Wan in the eyes. "I think you should rest now, Padawan. It's been a long day. We will talk more in the morning."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said softly, wishing that Qui-Gon would stay here and rest with him, but knowing it wouldn't happen. "And, Master - I will make sure I apologise to Jalmea for my behaviour."

"I'm sure she would appreciate that, Padawan," Qui-Gon said. He smiled. "Strange, running into her here. The last time I saw here she was just a child."

Obi-Wan looked up at that. "You know her, Master?"

"Yes, she's Senator Vallin's eldest daughter."

"Senator Vallin from Corellia?" Obi-Wan asked. He vaguely remembered the man, if that was indeed who Qui-Gon was speaking of.

"Yes, that's the one."

"But then what is she doing here, Master?"

"Oh, her husband is Thrin, apparently. He lives on Corellia - that's how they met - but he managed to come back for the coronation, and she came with him."

Obi-Wan almost did a double take at that. "Her - husband? She's married?"

"Yes, quite recently I believe. She was just a little girl the last time I saw her. Strange, seeing her all grown up." He smiled.

Obi-Wan could hardly believe it. All this trouble because he'd thought the girl was flirting with Qui-Gon, and it turned out she was just the daughter of an old acquaintance? The *married* daughter of an old acquaintance?

/ Unbelievable, / he thought. / How do I manage these things? I've outdone myself this time. /

Qui-Gon stood up then, ruffling Obi-Wan's hair affectionately as he did so. "Get some sleep, Padawan. We can talk more tomorrow. And we should get a chance to relax, as well, now that the coronation is over. The celebrations will go on for a few more days, but we have no more duties to perform."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said, still mentally kicking himself and hoping it didn't show.

"Sleep well, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, heading for the door.

"You also, Master," Obi-Wan replied. He stared longingly at Qui-Gon's back as the older man walked to the door, then out into the main room, the door swishing shut behind him. / If only I could have told him... /

He got to his feet, sighing, and started to change into his sleep clothes. He couldn't tell Qui-Gon, not yet, and that was how it had to be. But if tonight was any indication, his feelings were just growing stronger as time went on. He would need to keep a close rein on his emotions if he wanted to keep his dignity intact.

/ One day, I will tell him, / he thought, climbing into the oversized bed. He grimaced as his backside touched the mattress and immediately rolled over onto his front. / One day, when I can believe that he might actually want me in return, I'll tell him. And then... /

He was asleep before he could finish the thought.

The End

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