Dana's Story II
Or: How Skinner Got His Groove Back

by Xraycat

Category: Discipline

Rating: R violence and language

Disclaimer: All Characters belong to Chris Carter. I won't hurt them, much. I am making no profit or gain

Notes: I am having a great time with these stories. I hope I'm not just amusing myself.

Dana kept Fox with her the rest of the night. She couldn't sent him home alone. Fox had been arrested by the local police. After Dana had bailed him out, she had paddled him with a hairbrush.

What worried her the most was how he reacted when Mulder finally realized he was not the only one in trouble with Walter Skinner. His actions had earned Dana a spanking as well. Fox had curled into a ball on her couch and wouldn't speak to her for the longest time. He wouldn't accept comfort from her either. Dana had brought lotion from the bathroom to rub on Mulder's blistered bottom. He turned his back to the couch so she couldn't apply it. "I don't deserve it, Dana. I'm a wretched fool, and cause nothing but trouble. I can't even behave myself to keep you out of hot water. Don't be nice to me, you should be angry. Let me go home, please?"

He'd started to cry again. Dana placed a tender hand on his face. He had tried to push her away, to suffer alone, but she had persisted. Gently moving him until she had room to sit down, she continued to stroke his face. She rubbed his back. Fox finally allowed her to pull his head into her lap, and cried until he fell asleep.

Dana was completely confused. On one hand, she had solved the problem with the police. There was no record of Mulder's arrest. She had punished him properly. Why should she tell Walter? Her conscience would not allow her off the hook so easily, though. She knew she had failed in her responsibility. Dana also knew that she would tell Walter and accept her fate. Fox would be punished again, but that was part of the bargain, too. He had accepted the terms of the agreement, as well.

Dana slowly lifted Fox's head and slid out from under it. She placed a pillow where her lap had been, and lowered his head. Mulder never stirred. He'd cried himself into a sound sleep. Dana needed her Mom. She hated to wake her mother at this hour, but she wanted some comforting too.

Dana took the phone into the kitchen and dialed her Mother's number.

"Mom, it's Dana. I'm sorry to wake you," Dana spoke just above a whisper. She didn't want to disturb Fox.

"Dana, it's three in the morning! Is something wrong?" Maggie's concern brought fresh tears to Dana's eye. "Yes Mom, something's wrong all right." Dana had to swallow a sob before she could continue, "Fox did it again. We've both had it when Walter gets back tomorrow." She cried softly for a moment, "I just needed to talk to you about it. I'm frightened, Mom."

"Oh, Sweetie," Maggie sounded as if she was crying too. "Do you want me to come to you? I can leave now. It wouldn't take more than two hours."

Dana wanted this desperately, "No, Mom, you don't need to come... I just wanted to hear your voice. I will call you tomorrow... after. I just wish you were here to hold me and say everything will be fine."

"What did that boy do this time?" Maggie sounded angry, "Is he hurt?"

Dana laughed a little, "Yeah he's hurt. I hurt him. I paddled him with the silver hairbrush he bought for me. Other than a blistered backside, Fox is fine. He's very upset about getting me in trouble with Walter. I kept him here. He's asleep on the couch."

Maggie growled deep in her throat, "I could drive out there and give him a spanking myself. What's wrong with that boy's brain? Do you think he enjoys being spanked?"

Dana laughed again, "No, I'm certain Fox doesn't enjoy getting tanned. He's too good afterward. He just had no self-control. He decides on a course of action, and won't consider any other options. He is doing better, though. This is going to take some time, but I think it's working."

Maggie wasn't completely pacified, "Well, I should hope Fox Mulder regrets causing you to be on the receiving end. Do you want me to call Walter? I can talk to him for you."

"No Mom, don't do that. I made a bargain, and I can't back out. I don't want to be spanked. Especially after seeing what the hairbrush did to Mulder's butt. I have to, besides, it will be a good example for Fox. Show him how a responsible adult is supposed to behave. It wouldn't be fair to him if I didn't."

"You are my good girl, Dana Katherine," Maggie was definitely crying now. "If you can't teach Fox how to be a respectable young man, then I don't know who can."

Dana sniffled, "Mom, I love you. I will call you tomorrow. I have to go now. Bye."

The following day.....

Dana called Walter's home phone. She left a message on his machine....

"Walter? It's Dana. Please call me as soon as you get home. I'm afraid it's bad news. I'll be home all day. Fox is here too."

The phone rang two hours later.....

"Hello," Dana answered cautiously. "Dana Scully."

"Dana. It's Walter. What's happened," Walter was angry. Dana could feel his anger radiating through the phone.

"To make a long story short, Fox broke into a building, was picked up by the DC police, and I had to go fetch him. He was not arrested," Dana added quickly. "But I lied for him. I told the officers we were conducting an official investigation."

Long pause, "I see, and did you try and prevent Fox from pursuing this break in?"

"Yes sir, I did. As a matter of fact, Fox promised me he would go straight home. I guess he lied to me, sir," Dana finished lamely.

"Where is Agent Mulder now," Walter's voice was almost too soft for Dana to hear.

"He's here, sir. I brought him back to my apartment from the police station. He's been on the couch all night." Dana felt like a tattletale, but was powerless to stop from answering the AD's questions.

"How did you deal with the situation? Did you punish Agent Mulder as we agreed?" Walter's tone was silky, it frightened Dana more than if he had shouted.

"Yes sir, I did," Dana wasn't offering. Walter would have to ask her for specifics.

"Very well, I will expect you in my office at five o'clock. Bring whatever implement you used on Agent Mulder with you. Now, I need to speak to Fox," Walter sounded as dangerous as a coiled snake.

"Fox, Walter's on the phone. He needs to speak with you," Dana barely maintained her composure. She handed Fox the phone, squeezed his arm, then walked to the bedroom. She sat on her bed and tried to relax. Walter was going to use her own hairbrush. He was actually going to spank her! Dana was petrified. The Hoover Building was virtually deserted on Sunday. No one would be able to hear her scream. She was thankful for that.

Fox came to the bedroom door pale and shaken. He knocked on the opened door and waited for Dana to invite him in. She patted the bed beside her.

He walked over and sat on the bed, dropping an arm over her shoulders. He sighed deeply, "We are supposed to be in his office by five. I will try to talk him out of punishing you, Dana. I really will, I promise."

She smiled sadly, "Thanks, but it won't work. I agreed, remember? Waiting for it is the worst part. Do you want something to eat? Maybe we can take our minds off the subject for a while." She placed her hand on his leg, and pushed up from the bed, "Let's go out to the kitchen."

They left Scully's apartment together. She carried a large purse. Dana had no intention of Fox knowing she'd brought the hair brush along. She had no desire to explain. They didn't speak on the drive into the city. It seemed like only seconds, and suddenly there it was, the Hoover Building!

As they got out of the car, Fox said, "Dana, I'll find a way to make this up to you."

Dana shook her head, "Don't talk Fox. Let's just go in and get this over with." She walked on and he fell in step beside her. He placed his hand lightly on her back. She stepped in a little closer so she was tucked under his arm. They walked, heads high to meet the fate that awaited them.

Walter was waiting in the reception area. He stood when they entered. "You're on time. That's a good start." He turned and opened his office door, "Dana, please come with me. Fox, you will wait here until you are called."

"Sir, please," Fox interrupted. "If I could speak with you for a moment."

"I'll speak with you after Dana and I are finished. Take a seat," Walter would not be argued with.

Dana shook her head so Fox wouldn't try again, and walked into the office without looking back.

Dana was so nervous. Hers palms were sweating, and her mouth was so dry it was painful to swallow, She sat down immediately, since she didn't trust her legs to hold her upright much longer.

Walter stood directly in front of her, "Dana? Look at me."

Dana lifted her eyes, to meet Skinner's. She was the verge of tears.

"I know how hard it was to call me. I'm very proud of you. I am however, going to hold you to our agreement. You didn't prevent Fox from disobeying your orders. You lied to the police, and helped him out of a mess of his own making. Do you have anything to offer in your defense. I'll be happy to listen." Walter waited.

"No sir, I would like to apologize for letting you down. You were counting on me and I didn't do my job. I'm sorry," A tear slipped down her cheek as she lowered her head.

Walter cleared his throat again, "Dana, please don't think for one minute that I am enjoying this. I don't want to do it as all. That's why I waited so long before mentioning the subject to you. Let's do this, then it's forgotten. Did you bring what I asked you to?"

Dana reached into her purse and pulled out the hairbrush. She offered it, without meeting his eyes, "Here it is, sir."

Walter took her elbow and pulled her gently to a standing position. He took her now vacant seat, "Undo your jeans, Dana. Pull them down and lay across my knees," Walter sounded as unhappy as Dana felt.

Dana unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. She pushed them down to her knees. Taking a breath she knelt beside Walter and bent across his lap.

He helped her, and pulled her into a position that forced her back to arch, pushing her buttocks up into the air. She closed her eyes and told herself she could handle it. *Don't panic, it will be over soon enough.* She almost threw herself off his lap when Walter grasped the waistband of her panties and pulled them down.

"Hold still Dana. Try to relax. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Let your muscles loosen," Walter spoke softly. "This hairbrush is a wicked thing. I pity Fox. I'm going to give you ten with my hand, and only six with the hair brush. In the wrong hands, this could cause permanent damage. Take a deep breath, blow it out, and relax. I'll start then." Walter placed a hand across the small of her back. He brought the other crashing down across her round bottom, his large hand covering it completely. When he lifted his palm, Dana's flesh was already turning red. Walter continued, in a slow steady rhythm. He hoped Dana wouldn't cry, because he knew he would stop when that happened.

Dana held up like the 'good little soldier' her father taught her to be. She breathed evenly and counted the strokes. When Walter picked up the hair brush, she fought her rising panic. *Only six, Dana, it's only six. You can take it.* SMACK! Dana felt like she might pass out. *That Hurts So Bad!* she had time to think, before the next blow fell. SMACK! She gritted her teeth, clenched her eyes shut tight, and began to count again.

Walter finished with the hair brush and helped Dana up. He was amazed at how strong willed she was. He wasn't sure *he* could take six with that hair brush without crying out.

"You did very well, Dana. I'm proud of you. I don't plan to do this again. We need to discuss a change of plans. After I deal with your partner, that is. I'll step out so you can adjust your clothing."

After Walter closed the office door, Fox got up and started to pace. He could die happy, if Walter would reconsider. There was no need to punish Dana. *It's my fault, goddammit. Not hers. You have no right to treat her like this!* Fox whirled around when he heard the reception door open. Maggie Scully stepped into the room. *Oh my God! What is 'she' doing here?*

Maggie walked straight to him, grabbed his chin, "Fox! Where is Dana? Why did Walter call me here today?" She gave his chin a shake with each new question.

Fox reached up and removed her hand, "Dana and Walter are in his office. He told me to wait out here until he called me. I don't have any idea why he asked you to come."

He looked so miserable that Maggie couldn't stay angry with him, "Fox Mulder why can't you behave yourself? Isn't it bad enough to get yourself in trouble with Walter? Now poor Dana is paying for your mistakes too!"

Fox blinked back tears, "I tried to talk him out of it, honest! He wouldn't listen to me, and he wouldn't let me go first." He rubbed at his eyes, angrily.

Maggie hugged him, "It will be all right, I'm sure Dana will be fine. Walter won't hurt her. Let's sit down."

They had just taken their seats when they heard the first blow fall. Maggie blanched, Fox buried his face in his hands. This was torture! Why would Walter put them through this?

It seemed like an eternity until the office door opened. Maggie was on her feet before Walter became visible, "Walter! Is Dana in there? I'm going to her right now!" She shouldered past Walter before he could respond, slamming the door behind her.

Fox stood, never taking his eyes off Walter, "You didn't have to do that! It's not her fault, Dana didn't deserve this, and you know it!" He walked slowly toward his superior officer, "I will not let you do that again. Do you understand? I will quit my job before I will let Dana be hurt."

Walter gazed steadily at the younger man, "Do *you* finally understand? This was your decision, son. It wouldn't have happened if you had simply followed orders." Walter placed a hand on Fox's shoulder, "I couldn't find any other way to get through to you. I didn't want to do this. You made me. Let's go in now, we still have some business to attend to."

Fox dropped his head and followed Walter into the office.

Maggie was kneeling beside Dana's chair, holding her daughter. She glanced up at the grief-stricken face of Fox Mulder. She shook her head, as he approached. "Not yet," she mouthed the words, no sound exiting her lips.

He nodded and stepped back.

Walter spoke first, "Maggie, Dana? I think we should proceed now."

The elder Scully stood and urged her daughter to rise.

"No, don't leave," Walter hastened to add. "I meant that Fox and I have some unfinished business. Since both of you have been affected by his behavior, I have decided that you should stay to watch Fox receive his just rewards."

"NO! You'll not punish me in front of an audience," Fox was grinding his teeth with anger and frustration.

"I will, Fox. You have forgotten all the lessons we've worked so hard to teach you. We're back to the beginning." Walter started rolling up his shirt sleeves. He looked Fox in the eye and continued, "I'm going to pull down your pants, take you over my knee, and spank you. Behaving like a child means being treated like a child. Both of these ladies have more than earned the right to watch."

"I won't do it, I quit. You'll have my letter of resignation tomorrow," Fox was grasping at straws.

"If you wish to resign, I can't stop you, but you are going to be spanked. Either way. Now, come here." Walter was calm, but unyielding. He sat down, waiting for Fox to obey. When Fox did not move, Walter got up and walked to the younger man. He took Fox by the arm and pulled him to the chair. Holding the resisting agent still with one hand, he unbuttoned the fly of Fox's jeans. In one fluid motion, he jerked down the jeans and shorts, and pulled Fox across his lap. Walter noticed the marks from Dana's hairbrush. He was pleased to see that Dana had done a thorough job. He planned to make sure those marks lasted several days. "Ladies? Enjoy!" Walter's hand crashed down on Fox's bare behind like a rifle shot. He didn't wait between blows, spanking so fast the resounding slaps seemed to overlap.

Fox was overwhelmed, he squirmed and wiggled, but he could not avoid Walter's heavy hand. His first response was to cry and beg for mercy. But Dana had taken her spanking in complete silence. He would try to do the same. After all, he was responsible for Dana's spanking in the first place. He had this one coming. Knowing this made it even harder not to cry. He held his breath and waited it out.

Maggie approached, "Walter, you'll hurt yourself. Use this," she offered the silver hairbrush.

Walter smiled, and accepted her offering, "Thanks Maggie. I think I will." He re-secured Fox, holding him with one arm, and leaning slightly over Fox's struggling body, to apply the business end of the hair brush to Fox's already mottled ass.

Try as he might, Fox was unable to prevent the sobs that escaped him. The pain he was feeling, the pain he had caused, all because he refused to obey orders. *Skinner's right, I do act like a spoiled child. I insist on having my way, no matter who might get hurt.* Scully's words from the night before finally made sense, *If I had listened, neither one of us would be here right now. I was angry with Skinner for hitting Scully, but I was responsible. I could have prevented it.* Fox let his tears flow. He needed this. It was right. Maybe after she saw him punished, Dana would forgive him.

"You are going to learn, young man! When I give you an order, you will obey it!" The sound of the brush on Fox's flesh was deafening. Walter did not stop until he was unable to lift his arm. He was sweating profusely and breathing hard from the exertion.

He lifted Fox from his lap and turned him to face the others. "I think you have something to say to the ladies. Don't you, Fox?" Walter shook him, "Tell the ladies how sorry you are, now."

"I..I..I'm sorry," Fox sobbed. Fox was unable to say any more. He was so overcome with remorse there were no words to adequately describe his feelings.

"That's a good boy. Now, off to the corner with you," Walter led Fox by the hand, Fox offering no resistance. Walter placed him nose-in-the-corner, "Do not pull up your pants. Do not turn around. Don't speak unless you are addressed by name."

Fox continued to sob, but made no attempt to move. He would stay here even if the building caught fire. He had to show them all what he now understood, he was capable and *willing* to follow orders.

Walter turned his attention to the stunned spectators, "Well, that's taken care of. I feel it's time for a meeting. Fox has shown us he's unwilling to cooperate, so we will take the choice away from him. Dana, you will no longer be required to accept responsibility for Fox's actions. I will administer his spankings, whenever necessary. Maggie will do so, if I am unavailable."

Maggie approved, "I think that's a splendid idea. He'll have corner time from now on, too. It will give him an opportunity to think about his behavior and why it earned him a spanking."

Walter nodded, "Agreed." He glanced at Dana. "You will call one of use immediately when Fox gets out of hand. Whoever is closest."

Dana smiled, "I like that idea." She walked over to the corner. "Fox?" Are you getting all of this? I don't want to hear any complaints when I call Mom or Walter." She patted his red and swollen bottom. "You don't want this to happen again. So pay attention."

She took his hand and led him back to the others, "I want you to hug my mother, and shake hands with Walter." Dana smiled radiantly, "Then you may pull up your pants."

Fox hugged Mrs. Scully, just as he was told. She rubbed his back and tousled his hair. "You can be a good boy, Fox. It's hard work, but you can do it."

Fox returned her hug. He couldn't believe his good fortune. Mrs. Scully still loved him! She didn't hate him, or cast him away. He didn't deserve friends like these.

He turned and offered his hand to Walter. Walter took it and pulled the humbled Fox into an embrace. "Don't make me do this again, okay?" He reached down and pulled Fox's jeans gently over his soundly spanked bottom.

Fox was crying again. Why hadn't his father been more like Walter? Why didn't he care enough to explain the importance of trust and respect? Fox was finally ready to learn.

Placing an arm over Fox's shoulder, Walter asked. "Who's hungry? I'm buying."

Dana laughed, "You and Mom go ahead. Fox and I are going home to bed, like good little children."
