The Pet
Chapter Two

by Ellymay

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This is my first attempt at writing. It's a Star Trek original series story. Star Trek and its characters are the property of Paramount pictures, and this story is just a work of fan fiction. It's just for fun and not for profit.

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As the Enterprise approached her destination, I wondered how I would ever manage to play a submissive role. I always preferred to be in command then to be subjugated to someone's authority. I have served as Captain of the Enterprise for a while now, and I enjoy the feeling of sitting in the center chair on my bridge. I feel that is where I have always belonged, so to be reduced to a mere pet, not even considered capable of making the least decision on my own was a horror.

We finally got to Stoamer and transported down to the hotel where Spock would be attending the conference. With little trouble, Spock obtained a room, and after depositing our things there, we decided to locate somewhere to eat dinner. As we walked to the dinning hall, we spoke briefly concerning what the preceding days would entail. I observed the people we passed within the corridor, as well as on the stairs to get a better impression as to what they were like. I would need to understand their characteristics in order to accurately impersonate a pet for the next few days. More to the point Spock needed to understand what would be required of him in order to deal appropriately with the Ambassadors.

By the time Spock and I arrived at the dinning hall, we agreed to pay strict attention to the Ambassadors, at least until we could acquire more information about how this master-pet thing worked. I wanted to gather as much information as was possible before I would be forced into a position where I had to deal directly with the delegates gathered here. Since the conference would begin first thing in the morning, I wanted to be prepared for anything.

Upon reaching one of three entrances to the dinning hall we were approach by an individual elegantly dressed in a conservative black suit. I decided, by means of his impeccable clothing together with his polished mannerisms, that he must be the hotel's Maitre de. It was apparent from his courteous attitude that he recognized Spock as the Federation Ambassador. He thoroughly disregarded me as though I were invisible, speaking exclusively to Spock.

Spock requested a small table adjacent to the primary entrance. We were ushered into a luxurious banquet room large enough to accommodate a crowd of immense proportions. The room was filled with innumerable tables in preparation for the coming Ambassadors. We were guided across the thick carpeted floor in the direction of the table Spock stipulated. Once there the maitre de announced that he would return presently with a platform for the Ambassador's animal.

"He possess table manners, does he not?" The maitre de inquired.

This was the first time the man designed himself to refer to me since we entered the dinning hall. Spock casually affirmed this and the maitre de left, returning shortly carrying a low bench like apparatus which he placed along side of the only chair at the table. He then inquired if there was anything further Ambassador Spock desired. Spock nonchalantly waved him off and immediately sat down. The maitre de told Spock that his waiter would be with him soon and departed without another look back.

I sat down on the platform that had been provided for me and was about to remark on the method of service that we were receiving when the waiter appeared. He scrawled down Spock's order then departed without delay. I again endeavored to speak when abruptly Spock indicated that I should remain silent. He emphasized the fact that none of the Ambassador's pets within the dinning hall appeared to be speaking. He implied that perhaps this was a characteristic of all the pets, also that I should follow their example and remain quiet throughout the meal. It occurred to me that Spock was undeniably serious about maintaining his character as an Ambassador.

After a brief interval, the waiter returned once again bearing a covered platter from which steam emanated. He first placed the hot tray in front of Spock and uncovered it to reveal the succulent meal. The waiter, when he finished serving Spock, turned around and deposited a meager and empty bowl in front of me. It was apparently up to the owner's discretion as to weather or not the pet was allowed to dine with him. Spock proceeded to prepare a measure of his dinner for me, which soon afterward he deposited into my bowl. There were no utensils for me to utilize so I was forced to eat with my fingers. This was embarrassing, however after dubiously glancing around the hall I observed that this was the way all the Ambassadors Pets were required to eat. I had no other recourse except to follow their example therefore I cautiously stuck my fingers in and began to consume my food.

Half way through the meal we received our first glimpse of one of the more prominent Ambassadors. He was an elderly gentleman, in his later 60's judging by his appearance. He was balding as well as carrying approximately forty pounds of spare tonnage around his middle. I couldn't gain an accurate description of him as he was surrounded by a number of individuals. I was able to see that no less then six exquisite young women, all scantily dressed. They each wore a collar of silvery fabric that glittered around their necks together with a matching leash, which the old man carried. It was then that I recalled some information the Admiral had sent us pertaining to the Ambassadors. "The more "PETS" an Ambassador could support the more influence during the conference he would acquire." This one had six with him!

Spock must have noticed I was staring because about that time I received the point of his boot to my shin. "Ouch." I gave him a positively irritated look before remembering I had previously been briefed on the customs of the pet's conduct therefore I immediately lowered my eyes. I did this without further hesitation, rubbing the soreness out of my leg as I continued to discreetly glare at Spock.

Our dinner went on without subsequent incident on my part and soon we departed the dinning hall. As we were returning to our room, though, we encountered an Ambassador in the corridor. She happened to be the influential Betazoid Ambassador about whom Admiral Nagura had briefed us. In view of her relationship with the Administrator of Stoamer, Spock realized it would be disrespectful to Stoamer as well as the Ambassador herself if he should disregard her presence in the hall. Considering her prominence Spock decided to delay our return in view of acknowledging the Ambassadors presence giving me a pleasurable opportunity to study her.

The Ambassador was a beautiful young individual approximately twenty years of age; medium in height and fine boned. It seemed evident by her mannerisms, that she could be an aristocrat. She was extremely well dressed in a low cut gown of delicate blue color with few adornments to distract from her shapely figure. I was nearly compelled to stare until I recalled what happened earlier at dinner over a comparable response.

Making certain my eyes were securely averted I took what I believed to be an appropriate stance for an Ambassador's pet.

It was at that moment that I discovered another individual accompanied her. She had with her, a "PET," adorned with an ornately decorated collar and a delicate chain of pure silver. He was a youthful looking male of approximately the same age as the Ambassador. He was clothed in what I would quickly discover, to my consternation, the traditional costume for a male. His apparel was fashioned into a severely undersized white robe including a matching silver belt that he wore around his waist. The familiar matching leash and collar was the only finery encompassing his neck. I could not help noticing that both master and pet looked quite handsome standing there together.

While Mr. Spock conversed with the Ambassador I tried to quietly engage her pet in conversation. I realized too late that, as a pet my conduct relating to the young man would be inappropriate. "Crack." I felt something unexpectedly strike my cheek. I was so surprised by the slap I neglected to remain submissive moreover I stared directly at the Ambassador. That was my second error because I immediately felt another unexpected infliction of pain upon the opposite cheek. I quickly averted my eyes to avoid receiving subsequent abuse to my already reddened cheeks.

The Ambassador turned to Spock and proceeded to inform him that he should educate his "PET" more appropriately than to insult an Ambassador as well as embarrass his master as I had done. She went on to express that if he had difficulty with my training she knew an individual who was thoroughly adept at disciplining animals. With my hands tightly clenched at my side as well as my eyes securely averted I struggled fiercely for control of my mounting emotions. I realized that if I couldn't get control of myself I was going to explode in front of the Ambassador. Spock, guessing my dilemma quickly apologized, assuring the Ambassador that he would be correcting my disobedient behavior immediately. The Ambassador decided to give Spock the name of her personal trainer in the event he should require additional guidance. She presented me with an extremely disgusted look then, together with her pet in tow, sauntered down the hallway.

Following the Ambassador's departure, Spock, roughly seized my arm and unceremoniously ushered me into our room. The instant he freed me from his powerful grasp I immediately headed for the washroom to inspect my cheeks for damage. I soon discovered two perfectly formed little hand-prints on either side of my face where the Ambassador had slapped me. They weren't painful nevertheless it would be embarrassing should anyone see me like that. I was thoroughly annoyed at Spock regarding the incident in the corridor with the Ambassador. I stormed out of the washroom eager to confront Spock relating to his reason for allowing the Ambassador to strike me.

"Why! Spock, why?" I asked. Well, demanded actually, I was that enraged.

I would have liked to express my opinions further however something about Spock's bearing told me I wouldn't relish the consequences. The casual person would not have noticed any variations on a Vulcan's normally composed face yet the subtle changes I saw spoke volumes. I realized by his austere appearance that something was different in the room before noticing that we were not alone. I therefore quickly lowered my eyes in addition to remaining silent. The individual with Spock was a hotel guard and on duty apparently from the uniform he wore. He gave me an intensely forbidding look, noting the redness of my cheeks and assuming they were due to my punishment he turned back to Spock to resume his conversation.

"I see that the Betazoid Ambassador was correct when she informed me of your difficulty in properly training your pet. I possess an immense quantity of experience in this subject, in addition to having the time to assist you with your pet. With my guidance, he will not constitute further embarrassment to you in the future." He announced to Spock, referring to my insubordinate behavior in the corridor a few moments ago.

"I thank you nevertheless, I believe I will decline your offer. I do not believe I will be requiring additional assistance at this time, however should procuring aid become essential I will inform you at once." Spock declared in response to the guards offer as well as giving me a discriminating look.

"One more thing Ambassador, I don't know if you've been informed of the fact, nevertheless we do have a leash law in Stoamer. All pets are required to wear a leash as well as be registered with the animal control department. Do you own a collar and leash?" The guard asked.

"I do not." Spock said, then continued with. "I will assuredly procure one without delay in addition to properly registering my pet in accord to Stoamer's regulation."

"The pet shop downstairs and off the dinning hall has an excellent selection in all colors as well as reasonable prices, in addition you may register your pet through them." The guard informed Spock.

I could not believe the conversation Spock and this guard were having in my presence. Spock was profoundly discussing my possible training in addition to purchasing a leash and collar for me. Both the guard and Spock appeared to be all too enthusiastic over the topic of discussion.

Well, I was utterly prepared to lay into him for his high and mighty, all-knowing attitude as well as the embarrassing manner in which he was discussing me. I had endured an overwhelming amount of Spock's supremacy in complete silence. I ultimately decided that duty or not Spock was carrying his role to seriously and would receive an ear full from me this day. Furthermore it was time he realized that I was through playing along. His authority over me had only been bestowed upon him temporarily; also when we returned to the Enterprise I would once again become his captain. I'm not ordinarily one to take out revenge, especially from my friends. I thought Spock was my friend, nevertheless if attitudes remained the way they were much longer he might find life a bit tougher on our return to the ship.

I was so exasperated with Spock that I neglected to realize that he was still conferring with the guard. It was then that I heard the officer explaining about several methods of punishing an undisciplined pet. He also pointed out the proper apparel for one as well as where Spock could purchases what I required. He mentioned that he had never seen an Ambassadors pet with shoes before. I think that at this time I went into shock because when the officer finally did leave I just stood there as Spock turned away from the door.

Spock proceeded, in his logical Vulcan way, to define precisely what our present mission was about as well as my role in it as though I were a child. He adamantly expressed to me that it was necessary to be extremely cautious with regard to remaining in my role of a pet so as not to jeopardize our chances with Stoamer. Spock was undeniably taking this role entirely too serious and that had me disturbed. He reminded me as well that Admiral Nagura himself bestowed Spock with complete authority over me and that we were to abide by Stoamer's constitution.

This would give Spock the justification to punish me in an appropriate manner according to the law. He then deliberately ordered me to remain in our room until he returned. He turned to the door leaving me quietly standing there uncertain as to how I should respond.

I watched in shock as the door quietly closed before me unable to believe what had just occurred. Spock was governing me as though I were an undisciplined child in need of parental guidance. I have known Spock for only a few years but he has always treated me with the utmost respect not only as his Captain but also as a friend. I did not know how to take this kind of response from him. As his Captain I could deal with just about any of his Vulcan idiosyncrasy, but as his "Pet," well that was another matter entirely.

I was under orders from Admiral Nagura to obey Spock's commands during the conference. However I don't believe that gives Spock the authority to actually physically punish me as he implied. Perhaps when

Spock returned I could possibly convince him that he has been overreacting to the situation. His reasons for the approach to his role may very well be a good one however I have done nothing to jeopardize our mission or inconvenience his chances with the Ambassadors. What I have done though is make an error in judgment due to the lack of information. I was attempting to understand how to respond as an Ambassadors pet without a comparison.

The more I considered Spock's behavior the past few hours the more I began to realize he was realistically performing his duty while I have been struggling to find the proper perimeters to work in. It was the lack of information that was installing the conflict between Spock and I not any particular behavior pattern.

I was feeling better concerning my situation after the little talk I gave myself when Spock returned to our room with several small parcels in his hand. He proceeded to intently unload the contents within the largest package onto the small table in the center of the room. There lay a simple golden collar and matching chain, in addition to a short, silky, white robe like garment that belted together with a wide gold band. I openly stared at the unique articles that would represent my submissive status while Spock studied my reaction. As an Ambassador's pet, I realized that I would be required to wear these particular items in public.

I looked at Spock for any indication of his feelings connected with what he was apparently demanding of me concerning the items on the table. He remained silent with no evidence of grief no softening of his features in any form only the Vulcan mask in which he securely shielded himself.

I continued to search Spock's face until I realized the person calmly standing before me was no longer my first officer. The friend I had served along side of for the last few years had vanished, was in fact replaced by this one hundred percent unmitigated Stoamer Ambassador. The transformation was startling yet so complete that I couldn't find a trace of my old friend in the face of this individual before me.

He casually removed from the remaining satchel a peculiar item that baffled me a great deal. It was a slender, pliable wand, tightly wrapped with a scrap of dark material that resembled leather. The wand's length I estimated to be approximately one and one half feet, including the slight loop attached at one end. The peculiar little wand looked as though it was a riding crop similar to the type used when ridding horses. I studied Spock for a significant amount of time before I tentatively inquired about the reason behind this purchase.

"Spock?" I asked him as I picked up the item in question. "I understand the purpose of the collar and chain, however what's this for?" I quietly whispered almost trembling in anticipation of his reply. I was developing this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I waited for his answer.

"While I was purchasing the collar and robe," he began in a casual voice. "I had a chance to observe some of the Ambassadors in the shop, they all seamed to carry one of these around with them. I asked the shopkeeper and was informed the Ambassadors bear one while escorting their pets in public as a deterrent for disobedient behavior. I therefore considered it an essential part of my ambassadorial role."

I watched him closely, noticing once more that twinkle in his eye as well as the almost smile that was so quick to vanish. I could only assume that he intended for me to witness the mischief in those dark eyes of his as this time he did not conceal it as he had before. I was relieved to know that my old friend was certainly present, regardless of his current behavior after all.

I did not have to ponder for too long concerning the potential usage of the piece of leather Spock now held up for closer inspection. With the mischievous look on his face as well as the way he nonchalantly twirled the device I thought it best to drop the subject. It was late and I was quite tired therefore I suggested we get some sleep. The conference would start early tomorrow and we needed to be well rested.

I discovered the small cot that the hotel management had provided for my use lay in the corner of the room. It was remarkably low to the floor and appeared to be scarcely adequate for me, as well as barren of any covers. I turned a questionable glance at Spock as he immediately advanced towards the only other bed in the room. I peered intently at the bed Spock was nestled into, then at my insignificant cot and with a sigh of resignation I too settled in for the night.

I lay there in bed for several hours reflecting on the days' events as well as considering Spock's unusual behavior. This approach to his representation of the role he was playing was not his typical behavior. I was in the process of getting to know Spock as we served together aboard the Enterprise, nevertheless there was still a lot about him I did not understand.

Being half Vulcan, Spock had a distinctive quality that distinguished him from the humans I was accustom to working with. It was difficult for an individual who didn't know Spock to recognize the emotions he revealed unless you knew what to look for. I was just beginning to observe the little things in his personality that others could not. For instance, the manner in which his eyes would sparkle while he was being facetious. The way he could smile without actually smiling, or the playful bantering that went on between him and Bones. All this and much more, I have come to perceive about Spock and it told me that today's behavior was not normal. Was this a side of Spock that he possessed yet has never shown or was something drastically wrong? I pondered this concept well into the night yet I couldn't discover a plausible solution.

End Chapter 2

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