The Pet
Chapter Four

by Ellymay

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This is my first attempt at writing. It's a Star Trek original series story. Star Trek and its characters are the property of Paramount pictures, and this story is just a work of fan fiction. It's just for fun and not for profit.

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The following morning moderately rivaled the previous day. With the finish of our showers and the final dressing preparations accomplished without a hassle we left for the dinning hall. We were received and quickly ushered to our customary table in the dinning hall. However I soon discovered the longer I continued to sit the more I realized how uncomfortable my bench was becoming compared to the previous day. I was extremely tender in the area Spock struck me therefore it was becoming painstakingly difficult for me to sit comfortably. Before long I began to covet the velvety soft comfort provided by my Captain's chair aboard the Enterprise.

We consumed our meal in nearly complete silence, without an interruption. I never considered Spock would hold a grudge against me, yet I couldn't conceive of a better reason for his continual silence. I soon realized he hadn't uttered a single word and appeared to be avoiding any possible eye contact throughout the meal. I wondered if maybe Spock felt disconcerted with regard to his reaction to my outburst during the conference. I determined it was preferable to allow him to suffer in silence because tempers were still for the moment rather hot.

I was nevertheless thoroughly annoyed at Spock for what happened yesterday, but did my best to follow the rules, as I understood them. Furthermore I realized Spock was expected to follow certain rules as well however I was unprepared for him to follow through with the chastisement so publicly. The humiliation of receiving such precise punishment in public may have granted Spock advancement in the eyes of the Ambassadors but it did absolutely nothing for my ego.

The conference was scheduled to begin immediately following lunch today so we returned to our room at the conclusion of our meal. Spock began going over his speech for the conference and I started examining the notes he took from the previous day's deliberation. Approximately a full hour after returning to our chambers we received a resounding knock at the door. Surprised I looked up from the papers I was studying as Spock cautiously opened the door to determine who was calling.

Our caller was Ambassador Taduran as well as an attractive young girl whom he disdained from introducing. The Ambassador informed Spock that he had decided to assist him with his speech before the conference began. He stated that the day's session would involve primarily the nonessential Ambassadors, yet Stoamer's Administrator would be attending as well. Spock would then attain the perfect opportunity to incite into the talks the Federation trade agreements. This was a coincidence Spock couldn't possibly ignore. With the Ambassadors assistance as well as the prospect of Stoamer's Administrators arrival at the conference Spock could possibly turn the tide for the Federation.

The Ambassador had brought with him several note pads and a booklet I presumed to be his notes from the preceding day's conference. He and Spock began at once; looking through the Ambassadors notes as well as the papers already scattered on the table.

Forgotten for the moment, I resolutely shifted to my corner where I submissively sat on my cot remaining out of the Ambassadors way. A pet was not generally allowed to get involved in his owner's business so I dared not interfere or suffer the consequences of my actions. I therefore resigned myself to my circumstances and remained quiet.

With nothing further to occupy my time I began to observe the young girl who arrived with the Ambassador. She was I estimated to be approximately 18 and obviously a pet from the collar and attaching gold chain encompassing her slender neck. Her hair fell below her shoulders in long rust colored curls that shimmered when the sunlight caught them. Her skin was a beautiful golden tawny color yet not nearly as dark as Lieutenant Uhura's. She was very petite and decidedly pretty; passively standing there with her eyes down cast and her hands aptly folded in front of her.

I wondered about the color of her eyes, imagining them to be twin gems of sapphire blue, and waited for even a fleeting glimpse to confirm my speculations. I was almost compelled to approach her until I remembered the slap I received from a similar reaction. In the mean time all I could do was sit quietly on the cot provided for me and fantasize about the angelic woman child silently standing across the room.

That afternoon Spock ordered two meals to be delivered to our room for the girl and I, while he and the Ambassador left for the dinning hall together. Just prior to stepping through the door Spock turned giving me a long hard look then closed the door and disappeared from view. I was then left alone for the day with a very attractive young girl for company while Spock and the ambassador ate out, then headed for the conference afterwards.

I was surprised how informal and friendly this girl could be under the right circumstances. Once her master left the room she immediately flounced down on my cot and introduced herself as Malinda. She was a beautiful 18 year old with the most exceptional blue eyes I had by any chance witness. She explained that she lived with Ambassador Taduran for approximately ten of her 18 years. She refused to say anything more concerning her background but was more than willing to talk of the Ambassador since she appeared to be quite infatuated with him.

Through her I learned Ambassador Taduran was one of the most influential of all the Ambassadors assembled here. He was to preside over the final decision concerning Stoamer's betterment. I inquired of her, relating to the fact that as one of Stoamer's most influential of Ambassadors, why then did he posses only a single pet? It was the question Spock asked the Ambassador in the dinning hall when we first encountered him. The question the Ambassador conveniently ignored. Malinda stated that the Ambassador possessed so many pets she couldn't have counted them all, however she was the only one he brought along this trip.

"Why were you the only one to accompany him?" I asked her. "I mean, if he is so influential as well as powerful that he could own so many pets, why then bring only you?"

"He professes its redundant to show how wealthy and powerful he is by utilizing the many pets he owns." She replied. "He uses his intelligence and gift for understanding his peoples requirements to manipulate the other Ambassadors to his reasoning. Ambassadors from all parts of Stoamer respect his judgment in the running of Stoamer's government. So you understand the Ambassador doesn't require the use of his pets as anything more than traveling companions. Besides I believe I'm practically his favorite of all his pets since he ascertains a suitable reason for me to accompany him on every one of his trips." She proclaimed with an impetuous smile. I concluded that this child would be an extremely hard individual to resist when she matures.

"Do you know what the Ambassadors views are in the matter of the development and industrialization of Stoamer?" I cautiously asked. I was uncertain if that topic was forbidden even among pets; nevertheless I continued to push on.

"Furthermore what do you know of his beliefs on the matter of a Trade alliance with the Federation?" Since Malinda was so willing to gossip about the Ambassadors dealings I didn't feel bad concerning my decision to use her to attain some additional information. I thought any knowledge that I could acquire concerning the Ambassador would assuredly help in the conference as well as get me off the hook with Spock. So I continued to press her for as much as I could without becoming too conspicuous. She appeared to be genuinely enthusiastic in her endeavor to assist me in obtaining further information.

I suppose I should have been watching for ulterior motives in her eagerness yet she seemed so innocent I couldn't bring myself to believe otherwise. With her coquettish behavior as well as those sapphire eyes looking so intently at me it was all I could do to remember she was a child and continue our conversation.

"With the help of the Federation, Stoamer could open new avenues and enrich the general population. The people would prosper and make sound contributions to the betterment of all involved. With the Federations protection the people would not be exploited so easily and in turn Stoamer has the richest dilithium mines in the area. They could become apart of the trade routes earning them many credits for improvements in our society. All would benefit from trade with Stoamer, including the Federation."

"What would Ambassador Taduran gain out of an alliance with the Federation?" I was curious to learn why the Ambassador was so involved with assisting Spock in obtaining the same goals for Stoamer the Federation wanted.

"Stoamer is Ambassador Taduran's home world, it's only logical that he should aspire for the best." This she uttered with a wink as well as a smile that was so intensely charming that I began to consider maybe the Ambassador was grooming her as his successor. If she could be so completely enchanting at such an exceeding young age who would be able to resister her charms after she reached her maturity? She would consequently become, as much a force to be reckoned with as Ambassador Taduran himself no doubt. It would be something to behold in say ten years down the road if my suspicions were correct about this enchantingly sweet young child.

Our conversation continued on many other subjects, but I stored this particular information away until Spock's return. While we ate our lunch she proceeded to advise me what life as an influential Ambassadors pet was like. Generally I surmise my day of confinement was a rather pleasant as well as informative afternoon.

Spock and the Ambassador returned shortly before the evening meal, so we all went to the dining hall together. I would finally be granted the perfect opportunity to witness a little pet etiquette.

Malinda was what you would call a well-trained pet with all the poise and self-assurance that I commanded on the bridge of the Enterprise. She did everything right so the Ambassador was able to concentrate on other things without checking on her, something that Spock did with me often enough to make me apprehensive.

I was determined to learn all I could from this young girl with reference to the appropriate habits a pet utilizes in public. I required her knowledge as well as assistance to use as an example so that I could manage to get through the meal without any disastrous results.

I understood that after my last fiasco the delegates would be watching me closely for further trouble. One more outburst or miscalculation on my part would be disastrous for Spock's chances with the conference as well as for my own self-respect. After what happened yesterday, I wouldn't want to find out what Spock would do for punishment next.

Ambassador Taduran and Malinda immediately departed, for their own room as did Spock and I. Spock appeared extremely pleased at my new demeanor, though he said nothing. After entering our room, I informed Spock of all that I had learned, about the Ambassador, from the Malinda that afternoon. Spock was currently aware of most of what I knew however he didn't realize that Stoamer was Ambassador Taduran's home world. He revealed to me how some of the pieces concerning this unassuming Ambassador now were beginning to fall into place.

"I believe I shall endeavor to spend more time with Ambassador Taduran throughout the coming days" He determined. "It may prove beneficial for you to be witnessed in his company as well."

I felt the flame of a blush that was beginning to redden my cheeks knowing his statement was in reference to my unexpected change of behavior as well as the outcome of our mission. I then decided to change the subject to something other than Ambassador Taduran.

"I understand that the Batizoid Ambassador is perceiving the outcome of the conference the same as you are. Who is she, and is there any truth in that?" I asked.

"I had an opportunity to converse with Ambassador Carver on my return to the conference today." Spock replied. "She appeared to conform to my views for allowing the Federation to embark on a trade agreement with Stoamer, as well as three other Ambassadors that I spoke to this day. She as well as Ambassador Taduran seems to be a very close acquaintance of the Stoamer Administrator and intend to introduce him when the conference resumes tomorrow."

" With those Ambassadors in my following, and the opportunity to speak with the Administrator of Stoamer, I will then be in a better position to bring the conference talks around to the Federation's Trade agreement. As it will be my turn to speak tomorrow I will open with discussions on the benefit such an alliance could bring to Stoamer and its people and hopefully end with a favorable vote."

It seemed like even after all the misfortune I had gotten into during these talks, that at least Spock was getting somewhere so our mission might turn out successful after all. I decided I would do my best to see that Spock had every opportunity to complete tomorrow's speech without worrying about me.

With the entire success of our mission resting on the outcome of Spock's speech as well as Spock himself depending on my behavior I was more determined than ever to get become the submissive pet the Stoamer Ambassadors expected. Any further misconduct on my behalf would not only jeopardize the mission but would send Spock and the Enterprise home a failure. I was completely prepared to sacrifice even my dignity to prevent this from occurring.

Relief over my decision flooded my body with exhaustion for the first time since our arrival on Stoamer. I was finally acknowledging the fact that I could contribute to the success of our mission by doing absolutely nothing. I sprawled out on my small cot settling in quickly, prepared for my first good night's sleep in several days.

End Chapter 4

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