Chapter Three

by Kaci

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The night was dark with no moon. Richard opened the window of his bedroom, crawling out onto the edge of the window. Quietly pulling the window shut behind him, he scooted to the edge and climbed onto the branch of an oak tree. Moving as quietly as possible he scurried down the limb to the base of the tree, finally dropping to the ground. Standing still he listened for any noise, not hearing any; he quickly ran to the stable for his horse. A few minutes later he was away.

James Ellison watched his student ride away toward town. He heard the quickening of Richard's heart as he made his escape towards the stable. Sighing, he silently left his room to saddle his own horse and follow the child. Richard had apparently been escaping through that window for years but this was going to be the last time!

Richard entered the tavern looking for Captain Evers. A large older man sat in the corner quietly drinking an ale at a table. "Captain?" "Yes."

"I'm Richard Burton. I wrote to you about a position as your cabin boy."

Richard dragged the chair around and sat down facing the older man. "I've never been to sea but I think I'd make a good deck hand."

"You do, do you?" The Captain smiled to himself. A self-assured young man to be sure. "Well, Mr. Burton, it's a rough job for a laddie such as yourself. Up at five in the morning, carrying meals to the officers, working in the galleys. By the look of you, I'd hardly think it'd be worth your effort." Downing another ale, the old Captain belched. Wiping a hand across his mouth he waited for the young sprig's answer.

"I can do it. I can do anything I set my mind too. I could help you more than you think. I've lots of knowledge about other things, I could even help you with your bookkeeping."

"Oh ho, so I'd be getting a cabin boy and a secretary."

"Yes sir. You won't regret signing me on the ship." Richard leaned eagerly toward the man.

"My young man, you've thought of everything except one crucial factor. Sex."

"Sex? What does sex have to do with anything?" Richard frowned trying to understand the Captain's word.

Another voice entered the conversation.

"Sex, as in rape. You don't think those sailors would let a tasty young man stay a virgin do you?" Jim said dryly. "Richard when we get home, look in the mirror. Big blue eyes, long auburn hair... not something a randy sailor's going to overlook."

"James! What're you doing here?"

"Taking you home, that's what. Let's leave Richard. I'm sorry Captain but my charge won't be sailing away with you." Grabbing Richard's arm he hauled him to his feet. "We're leaving."

"Let me go! Damn you!" Richard tried to tug away but the steel hand wouldn't let him go.

"Go away, young sir. You need to come back when you've grown up a little." The Captain drained his glass of ale, tossed a coin onto the table and strode out of the room.

Richard felt himself being dragged out of the tavern with laughter from the other patrons bellowing behind him. "Damn you, quit it. You don't have the right to do this," he whispered furiously.

"Oh yes, I do. Or would you rather face your Father and his whip?" James stopped and swung young Richard around toward him.

"No." The abrupt word was cut off. He was tossed onto his horse. Fuming, Richard galloped toward home.

Jim rode behind the strong-tempered youngster. He was going to have to set rules after all. He hadn't wanted their relationship to be that of a teacher and student, but rather mentor and friend, companions, brothers possibly. Sighing, he rode behind Richard trying to decide his next move.

Richard rode into the stable, jumping off the horse and called for Joel to put the horse away. Striding angrily to his room, he was surprised to find Jim right on his heels.

"Get out! This is my room." Richard shoved Jim toward the door, but he was tossed backward onto the bed.

"You'll stay in your room all day tomorrow. Do you understand me?" Jim glared down at him.

"I won't! This is my house and you work for us!" Richard pushed himself off the bed, yelling at his tutor.

"That's it." Jim pulled the young man toward him, twisting him around. "Take off your pants." At the look of amazement on Richard's face, he almost smiled. "Now, Richard." Pulling him close he twisted the buttons down the front of his pants, pushing them down to the boy's ankles. He started to pull Richard onto his lap, when he felt the young man try to drawn away. Taking a firm grip on the squirming bundle, he settled Richard on his lap, smacking him hard. "Hold still. You're going to learn to mind me. I won't hurt you, just make you see a little reason One. You won't disobey me again!" A large slap hit the rounded bottom. "Two. You'll do exactly as I say." A second loud slap hit the same target. "And three. Don't you ever scream at me again." The third smack was followed by ten more resounding blows.

Richard was sobbing and crying, "Listen you fuck stop hitting me!"

"Richard, Richard, think before you speak." Jim picked up the hairbrush lying on the bed. "Now, let's see if this makes a little impression."

The first swat from the brush had Richard howling out in pain. "Stop, please....please." Jim toasted the bottom in front of him to a deep red. One final swat finished off the punishment.

"Now, take yourself to bed. Your meals will be brought to your room all day tomorrow." Shaking him, Jim pushed the younger man back onto the bed before leaving the room with the slam of the door.

Jim opened the door to his room letting the dark soothe his senses. Sighing, he started undressing for bed, he'd probably be out of a job tomorrow so he might as well get a good rest.

The next morning he was awakened by a soft tap on his door. At his summons, the door opened slowly and an auburn head popped into view. "May I speak with you?"

"Yes. I hope you're not here to plead for leniency. My punishment stands, you will be staying in your room today."

"No. I just want to say... I'm sorry for yelling at you last night. You could have hauled me before my father and I appreciate it." The words slowly and quietly seeped out of the young man. James stared at his friend, as that was just what the young man before him had just transformed himself into.

"Richard that was between you and me and it shall stay that way." The sincerity in the words brought tears to Richard's eyes and with a quiet sob he launched himself onto James. "I want you to know, that I shall enforce discipline when I think you need it. Hey," James pulled him into his arms hugging him tightly. "It's okay." Raising Richard's head he looked into his eyes, losing himself. The grip intensified.

"Jim. Jim!" Blair stared into light blue eyes that were completely empty. "Jim, listen to me, come on, listen to me!" The scared voice finally broke through Jim's concentration.

"I'm sorry." He shook his head, " I sometimes... faze out. You go on and I'll tell cook to bring your breakfast." Pushing Richard off the bed, he watched him walk to the door. "Richard, thank you."

"You're welcome, Jim. You don't mind me calling you that, do you?"

"No, my mother use to call me, Jim."

A small smile lit Richard's face before he opened the door. "Jim, it is. There's only one thing we need to get straight." A hard note entered his voice.

"Never spank me again." Richard grinned as he slowly shut the door.

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