
Welcome to our cartoons section. This section is just starting out so there is only a few cartoons up. But that will change soon. HOPEFULLY. With your help. If you have a cartoon or know where there is one you can either send it to or if you know the address of it on the internet then you can fill you our form here with a brief description and we will get it for you. If you we like it, we will post it up here and credit will be given to you!(Warning a lot of these cartoons are not suitable for some people you know who you are your self)

  Blind Lesbians


Cartoon of the Month --->


Blind Lesbians


Click on the titles to view full cartoons.

This page is Mad so only the links with the * beside them are working at this time.


*Blind Lesbians
Weight Loss
Clinton Under Control
Say no to crack
Peacock Vs Cockatoo
Makin Bacon
The Effects of beer...
Bunny Love
Fair Prince
Definition of Cruelity
Happy Neigbour
The Long Trip
Says WHO???
Making a pass
Man I fell like a Woman!!!

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