5-8-02 Wednesday Yeah for em, I finally got a job. I am working at an assisted living place in Shelley and although iv'e only worked there for a little more then two weeks, I know this job is just not for me. I had another interview yesterday. Slim pickings. It's closer to Anarchy's send-off day. It makes me sadder and sadder. I'm gonna talk her into one more photo shoot before she goes. I hope to have my latest sewing project done by then. A cloak. As for the page, I think I'm gonna add a page called My Top Eleven Things. Or something. Look for it soon. 4-7-02 Sunday Work on the site is going better then I expected. I'm kicking ass on the questions page. I found out today that the local hardware store is hiring. Funny, isnt it. I left my old town to get away from working at their hardware store. Looks as if i'm going back. I hate looking for a job. Matt and I went comet hunting the other night. We were rewarded with a pretty fuzzy view of comet Ikeya-Zhang. Today was general conference, and I'm pretty sure my mom was dissappionted when she came over and we were watching the Real World marathon. C'mon which do you think is more intersting? 4-2-02 Tuesday Hey, its about time I got off my ass and got all this stuff together. I went through all my old journals and was going to include a bunch of stuff from those precious precious documents scribed in my almost illegiable hand but its a lot of rambling and i'm too lazy to change it so its entertaining for all. Long story short, Matt and I moved to Idaho Falls in search of a new area in which to explore and make our life complete. But alas, if there is such a place it isn't here. (Didn't she live here for 18 of her 21 years?) I am umemployed right now. I would enjoy it more if were being productive. Lets get this straight. I'm not. I'm learning the finer art of fanning the fridge, surfing the internet, torturing my fingers by poking them with the cross-stitch needle, and reading. So if anyone out there can give me a job i'd appreciate it. Otherwises send me a dolla.