You know you watch too much Pokemon When...

If the power goes out in your house, you put your plush Pikachu on a treadmill, hook it to a generator, and command it to run.

If you hear a person say, "Prepare for Trouble!", you automatically say, "And Make it Double!"

You look at the Vs. Record on your Super Smash Bros. N64 cartridge, and Pikachu and Jigglypuff each have more usage than the other characters combined.

When you see a pidgeon in a city street, you look for a Pokeball to "catch the Pidgey".

You consider "Pokemonitis" a legitimate disease.

You think you have Pokemonitis.

Your pets bear names of Pokemon they're related to ("There's my cat Meowth, my pet rat Rattata, and my goldfish Goldeen.")

You have more Pokemon knowlege than a Pokedex.

You can sing the entire Pokerap.

You think that your plush Pokemon will be stolen someday by Team Rocket.

You collect the Pokemon card game for the cards. ("What? Play with them? You're kidding?")

You write a fanfic about Pokemon.

When you house catches fire, you take your water Pokemon plushes and command them to put it out.

You think Officer Jenny, and/or Jesse is hotter than any real person.

You feel sorry for Brock (if you're a guy).

You have your plushes intervene when using other toys ("There's no way Darth Vader/ Cobra Commander/ Skeletor/ Megatron can be beat in two seconds by a Jigglypuff!")

If somebody says something about there being 150 Pokemon, you correct the that there are 151.

You display all Pokemon items you have in your room or apartment.

You write a letter to 4Kids Productions, and point out that the Pokerap has only 149 Pokemon mentioned; you demand that Nidoran Male and Nidoran Female should be seperated.

You know why Porygon hasn't had an episode in the US.

You would be willing to shell out six months' salary for the Porygon episode (also know as the "bootleg episode") from Japan.

You want to join Team Rocket.

You think a relative looks like a character on Pokemon.

You think you have relatives that are practically clones of you in every major city in the US, and their names are the same as yours.

You flirt with police officers and nurses often.

You legally change you last name to "Katchem".