CartWheel to Back HandSpring

this is a tight ass move i picked up...i am not sure what it is called i just call it a cartwheel to back handspring cause thats what u basicaly do..i haven't really got this move down yet but i am still workin on it... this move is goin to be kinda difficult to explain but i'll try my best and if u don't understand it e-mail me and i will try to explain what u do not understand.... well before u try this move u must be able to bust a cartwheel which is a basic elementary gymnastics move and a back handspring u should know what that is(also a gymnastics move)..aight this is what u do..first u do a cartwheel but u do not land it because in the middle of it u have to change it to a u do a cartwheel to your left side but u can do it which eva way u feel comfortable..if u like goin in the oposite direction just change all the lefts and rights..but this is the way i know how to do once again u start a cartwheel to the left meaning your left hand goes on the floor first..once u are on your left hand and the rest of your body is commin up..try to turn your body slighty to the left and instead of placing your right hand infront of your left to land a regular cartwheel u place it to the left of your left hand and if u did that corectly..u should be in like a handstand position or a position that looks like the middle of a back handspring .. u know the part where u place your hands on the floor to prevent u from fallin..and from there all u do is kick your feet over like u would in a back handspring and land on your that probably sounds confusing but thats as simple as i can get basicaly a short explanation of this is u start a cartwheel and in the middle of that place your right hand on the other side of your left instead of in front so that u look as if u are in the middle of a back handspring and just kick your feet over and land...
If u do prefect this move mad props for might sound corny but if u bust it out right it looks mad tight...