Icy Ice

Icy ice are mad tight when u bust them out of a windmills...icy ice is basically a handglide just in this move more than just your hands are goin to be on the floor..well i don't feel like explaining the hole concept over of gettin into this move cause that would just be a waist of time..so before u try this move make sure u can bust handglide or u read my section on handglides..cause like i said icy ice is just like a handglide..aight first start of by doin a hand glide but instead of havin your body facing the ground and your right/left elbow (which eva u perfer) tucked in your stomach..have it tucked in the side of your body durin this move...so if that is done correctly your body will be facing the side not down anymore...now if u are in the corect position what u do now is place the side of your head also on the floor..so now u hands aren't the only thing touching the floor your head is also (well the side of your head) so your head should be on the floor your body in the air and u should be held up by your elbow tucked in the side of your body and also spinning on that hand..your other hand that u were usuing to push off with during your hand glides should now be off the ground...it will not be needed here...and u should just be spinning as if u were doin a hand glide... unlike the handglide in this move u are only balancing on one hand not two...and also it looks phatter if u start out bustin handglides then in the middle of it turn your body to the side and place the side of your head on the floor and just pose like that and glide around smoothly..well actually this move can't be busted alone u either need to go into it from a windmill combo or from your handglides cause u won't be using your other hand to push off so u are goin to need to start off with some speed..so once your head goes on the floor u are just glidding nice and smooth...u also probably wonder why i mention the word "smooth" in like every description i wrote..thats because in breakin if u aren't nice and smooth with your moves then it looks sloopy and u don't want that...
