Supermans(or bodyglides)
Posted by Bboylegz on Thursday, January 21 1999, at 9:30p.m., in response
The Superman move is like a windmill (I'm sure you know this, but others might not) except your HAND (only one) is extended over your head (like Superman when he's flying). If you go counter-clockwise, your LEFT hand is the one which is extended. The other hand is used to push off normally. During Supermans, your legs become a lot more important. If you've read George's article "How to Windmill 101" he says your legs rotate like two compasses around the pivot point of your pelvis. This becomes very important because your legs are the only thing keeping you off the ground.
I don't know how much you know about physics, but that rotation of your legs around the horizontal plane is a type of gyroscopic motion. When the gyroscopic motion becomes great enough it actually levitates your body VERTICALLY (even though your legs are moving horizontally). I said all this to say that your legs are more important than ever when trying to do Supermans. If you get your legs going fast enough, you should not bust your hip on the ground. One more thing....When you're on your stomach, lift your legs (and hips) up behind you a lot higher than you would during a windmill or you'll whack BOTH hip bones on the ground. For a great example of good form during Supermans check the Run-DMC video. There's a bald asian guy (maybe Kujo could help with his name) that does them perfectly. He does a Flare to Windmill, and in the middle, he modifies a couple of his Windmills into Supermans (watch his hips and legs). Man this is long, but I hope it helps. I think I'm going to go post this on the Development Board. Good luck. Peace to all.