

I am originally from The Plains, Ohio, where I graduated from Athens High School in 1999.  As an undergraduate, I studied biology at Haverford College and received a BS after completing a senior thesis examining the spatial and temporal movements of bird populations in the college woods.  While at Haverford I ran on the track and cross country teams, sang in the a cappella group The Oxford Blues, and both performed in and directed the Haverford College Musical Review.  After leaving Haverford, I moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, where I recently completed my MS in biology with a thesis entitled “Effects of Human Disturbance on the Breeding Success of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis).”  I decided to stay at William and Mary to continue my work with cavity-nesting bird species; I am currently pursuing my PhD in the applied science department.  In my (limited) free time, I am a musician (the wav file embedded in this page is one of my compositions, entitled “Flight of the White Dove”), a writer, a league bowler, and an intramural athlete.