
Here's a few short peices I've written... more to come!!!

This is my other homepage, it's full of poetry of mine and other peoples!!!

Science Fiction story
I wrote this story in 1997. I hope you like it.

Weird Ponderings!!!
This is a collection of funny questions and thoughts I've collected from all over the place!!

A Poem
This poem, titled "Take car darling I love you" is not as soppy as it sounds!!!

This is another science fiction. It was written in 1999

You and Him
This is my first attempt at, well it's supposed to a scary and it's got an unusual style. I hope you will like it.

Just incase you were wondering why I chose the different colors for the different sections here is an explaination.

RED is the guestbook. It was the last color I chose and it worked well as it's at the top of the page.

ORANGE it ofcourse this writing section. It originally included only my other homepage which has an orange background and that's why I chose orange.

YELLOW is the Egypt section, it's yellow because of the sand and the gold associated with Egyptian art.

GREEN is my favorite color and therefore it's my journal.

BLUE is the color of the ocean and so Whales and Dolphins are in the blue section.

PURPLE was chosen for the fantasy art simply because a lot of the unicorn pictures I see have a purple tinge to them. Purple is one of my favorite colors too.

BLACK is for Star Wars. I'm a big fan and the black is just because that's the color outterspace it.

CYAN is the webrings section. Basically I was running out of colors!!!

WHITE is the wolf section. It's for the snow and for the purity I associate with wolves.

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