Dharma Home

Each of us Embodies the Truth of Dharma

We believe that all people are born with positive value and all have something to contribute to the well being of Dharma. We ask that people have gained their 50th insight so they have some basic knowledge and understanding of their “beingness” within the Nexus. We welcome people from all paths and all subpaths. Those that would chose to destroy or undermine the values of Dharma should deeply consider removing themselves from this family and search out a Quest of Humility. Dharma does not cater to the Negative Elitist, no matter what level, path or Subpath.

To understand the concept of Dharma, first you must know of the system of Color (caste). According to mythology, the Brahmans (Poets, priests and philosophers) come from the mouth, Kshatriyas (Warriors and Knights) from the arm, Vaishyas (Rogues, Merchants and agriculturists) from the thigh and Shudras (Mages, Shaman and Geomancers) from the foot of Brahma. There are subdivisions of these classes which occur through what we know as SubPaths and are distinguished in practice as “occupation-castes.”

Rank is not dependant on wealth, but instead upon mental qualities. Combined with the concept of Karma (i.e. one's actions in this life determines one's status in the next life), this theory holds that rank is determined solely by heredity. A person is born as a Brahman because he/she deserved to be born as a Brahman. Ideally however, some provision to transfer from one caste to another should be available to one willing and able to adopt the traditions and accept the discipline of a higher Color.

Each color defines the duties of the individual. For each Color, an appropriate duty and morality is recognized. This is Dharma. To follow any path but the “own Dharma” of a caste is considered a great sin. This avoids absolute moralities. For example, the Judeo-Christian commandment “Thou shall not kill” as such a commandment would not be enforceable against the Kshatriyas or Shudras. Instead, it is the Poet, Muse or Monk above all others who must not kill or hurt anything. The Warrior or Knight, who in time of need, refused to kill would not be worthy of praise. Instead, he would be shamed as one who neglected to follow his own morality.

Dharma Clan, therefore strives to encourage and assist each person to be the very best they can be. Whether in a group hunt working as a team or in a solo situation, we advocate intense mental focusing of one's gifts, spells and abilities. We strive, individually and as a Clan, to be a mature positive force within our community always holding sacred the ideals that are the very basic Seed of this great family... Dharma Clan.

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