Well...Here they are, my Germany pictures...some of them at least.  I'll probably add more after I get to use my *new!!* scanner this weekend!!  My parents finally came out of the stone age and bought one!!  Not the greatest...but better than my uncle's!!

Oh, yeah...and I don't do thumbnails...so they are all full size and will probably take a really long time to open...unless you have some sort of relly cool internet connection!!
Our first weekend in Holzkirchen at the festival thingie.  (tee hee...was Chris smiling?  Or is that more of a smirk?)
To Robbie...I didn't know if anyone else would scan this...so I did.  =oP
Naomi's 21st birthday in Cafe Franz.
Once again, that first weekend in Holzkirchen in the playground by Lindsy's first house.
After the sticker/paper factory tour.
Pool in Austria...That's Tina on the red and white floaty thing...before the wonderful red sunburn...and almost before ANY other people were there!!
The 4th of July YMCA.
Just after our room in the Hutte was invaded by giant, multi-colored hopping worms!!
Practicing in Werner's class for Der Erlkonig.
Last meal at Cafe Franz.
Then of course, we all had to get in on the fun!!
The day we went shooting...You can just barely see the rainbow in the background...which NONE of the guys went to see!! 
Abschlussabend:  Displaying Tina's braiding abilities.  =oP
Again, the Abschlussabend...obviously AFTER most of us had fnished eating.  =oD
Sand pit in Vienna...The beautiful bridge in the foreground...That one is mine!!  It took maybe ten minutes to build...and was stronger tha
The Colusseum (I don't think I spelled that right, oh well!!) from a hill in a park.
The giant chess set in Vienna...I STILL say we won!!!
Here begin some indivdual adventures...Vienna, Rome, and Essen.
Just before we checked out of the Hotel California in Rome...And yes, my friends...We were of course able to check out...and we left too!!!
Tee hee hee...The Vatican...tee hee hee...And...MWAH HAHAHAHA!!!  Although I am not in the picture...my pants are!!!  =oP
Circus Maximus...and I think we decided that those are the turkish Baths in the background...but I could be wrong.
Back to gilber007's home page
Me with some sandbox advertising (written by Merry =oP) for the Lord of the Rings in Essen.
Me after some hard work writing grafitti in Dwarf runes in the same Essen sandbox.
Here ere are a couple of pictures of me shooting my bow and arrow near the sandbox in Essen.
Merry sent me her pictures addy!!  YAY!!  =oD  So I linked it.  =oP  and about those other pictures I have yet to scan...they may eventually get scanned.  But not anytime soon...Must finish med school application.  AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!   >oO
A couple of links:
Robbie's Holzkirchen site
Jamie's Germany pictures
Merry's Pictures
(The ones of the two of us are under "A Fairy Tale".)
Lookie Lookie!!  A Hobbit AND and an Elf...But why, oh why is the Hobbit taller than the Elf???  =oP