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Okay, well, here it is, Mashonna and Tonya together.  Scary, huh?  I would have more, better pictures, but my uncle's digital camera decided to die and eat them all!!
This was Halloween 2000 at my uncle John's house.  We carve pumpkins there with him every year.  It was the first tim my roommate Sherry had ever carved a pumpkin!!  She's the one in the white shirt.  Going clockwise around the table from Sherry are Katherin, Mashonna, then Jan.
Okay, this was Christmas 1999.  Yes, my parents still think it's cute for all three of us to dress alike...even though I was only one month away from being 20 years old!!  Actually, we would have dressed alike this past year too, but Mom couldn't find enough red flannel to make 4 (one for Tonya too!) Granny Grump Gowns!!
That's it for now.  I know I have more scanned pictures of us somewhere, but I have yet to find them.