Life After Death: The Eclipse
About the show - Interviews I've done - Example Playlist

Sadly, after 8 years, the Eclipse has ended. It had a great run, and although I'm sorry it had to end, it was something that had to be done. I'd like to thank all the artists who I've had the chance to interview, and all the artists who sent me music, both locally and abroad.

If you're interested in checking out the Edmonton dark scene, please feel to browse Dark Edmonton. You may even catch me at an occasional club gig, or hosting a fill-in show at the ol' CJSR.

Thanks for listening.
Pleasant Nightmares...

Check out CJSR FM88

I would like to send thanks to the following for taking notice of my show:
Analog Aether, DJ Pool XL, Terrestrial Records,
Interdimensional Industries, LKE Entertainment, Spider Records,
Energy Records and Subduction / Moebius Records.
They think I'm worthy to take notice of, and have sent me some great stuff to use,
so I must be doing
something right.