Introducation to the world of the ISA Vortex

As I started before on the main site, the ISA Vortex is a heavy cruiser that was the foreruner of the Victory-class destoyer, because of that she has many of the same type of systems that she dose execpt for the Main Guns of the Excalibur has.

She was bluit in 2262, because of one reason, to test the new systems and see how Minbari and human technology would work together. Bulid a year after the fighting with the Centuari and during the time of the telepath cris, because of these two reason the ISA and her members didn't have the time nor the money to make an entire new type of ship. They needed a ship that would test these systems before the new portypes Victory-class Destroyers would be bluit. So they deciced to make a ship that was based on a ship plan that has been made already, they took no time for them to choice the ship that they wanted and that was a Minbari Sharlin-class cruiser.

The Minbari didn't rise any type of questions and in early of 2262, construcation of the ship went under way and a year after that the new ship was bluit. Then the ISA three problems on their hands, one what will be the name of the ship, who would be her captain, and were are they going to get a crew to man the ship while she was in serivce doing what they wanted it to do for them.

The name of the ship was picked it would known as the ISA Vortex, smiply because the ship was bluit is a vortex of fury aticve. Then after that the leaders of the ISA drew up of a list of captains, that would be good in commanding this ship, but the captians that were picked for the job didn't know that they were even selected for this job. They did this because the ISA Vortex was a need to know ship and was b;iut in secert. Each captain that was on the list was rejected until they came to Captain Shara McGurland of the EFS Isis despite the fact that President Luckeuo and many people in Earth Alliance didn't want her to do that, President Sheridan ugred that she be the CO of that ship. She did and McGurland was connected that she was picked to be the CO of a new type of ship that was apart of the ISA fleet.

When given the command, she brought her own Cheif Engineer, Chris Lowell and many of her own pliots to the ship that were from her own ship, the EFS Isis, desptie that some of them were no like also in the Earth Alliance and if they had a choice would of kept them back on the Isis, but she told them that since this ship is new and would be her command, she would need people that she knew. That she saw in action and that she knew had the experince, not people that were just picked just because of what their record that they had. While on their first mission out she pick up many of the crew of the ship.

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