This sector is dominated by Telmarc. No map is now available. The information below is tentative, and subject to update.
I envisioned Telmarc as having a physical presence in about one-third of the
Sector; but dominating trade and transport -- either first hand or through
their subsideraries -- over most of the Warp capable civilizations in the
Cocoon. Unaware of a universe outside of the Cocoon they were perfectly
happy to have their 'hand in every pie'. It was only when the Federation
discovered the Portal, and Federation control of the Portal, that they felt
their position threatened and began to seek means around Federation control.
For five years they pursued two strategies -- diplomatic entreaties to the
Federation and other warp capable civilizations within the Cocoon attempting
to build an overwhelming alliance forcing the Federation to open the Portal
to free traffic and trade, at the same time preparing for war. The war
preparations built upon a previous 30-year-old policy of secret weapon
construction inside the sixth planet of the Telmarc System (see Adam's post
#3315 on the horizon-rpg page). With its building program complete and
diplomatic overtures failing, it was within the last year that Telmarc Board
of Directors decided to take a more aggressive stance. Beginning with
sabatoge of trade routes and those trading combines that cooperated with the
Federation the situation escalated to its present stance -- takeover of the
Federation Embassy on Telmarc and the launching of an attack upon Outpost
721. The attack on Outpost 721 is the first step to the ultimate Telmarc
objective of the takeover of Starbase Omega and control of the Cocoon