Arizona law forbids hunting camels. And it's illegal to ride a camel on Nevada highways.
In 1658, Virginia passed a law outlawing lawyers.
In 1822, Yale University outlawed football. The fine 50 cents.
It's a crime to move twin beds together in North Carolina hotels. It's also illegal to make love on the floor.
In Miami, Florida, it's illegal to imitate an animal.
Women in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, are required to purchase a permit before wearing lipstick in public.
New York City law entitles horses to a 15 minute coffee break after every two hours of work.
It's against the law in Zion, Illinois, to offer your pet a cigar.
Boston, Massachusettes, prohibits sleeping in "day clothes".
Wilbur, Washington, makes it a crime to ride an ugly horse down the street. The fine is 300$.
You cannot educate or teach your dog in Hartford, Conneticut.
Kentucky has a law that prohibits female humans and horses weighing less than 90 or more than 200 pounds from wearing a bathing suit on any highway unless accompanied by at least two armed escorts or unless she is armed with a club.
A Belvedere, California, law states, "No dog is allowed in a public place without its master on a leash."
One better: An Arvada, Colorado, law states, "If a stray pet is not claimed within 24 hours, the owner will be destroyed."
Bristol, Tennessee, has a law that prohibits a woman from stopping on any street in order to adjust, straighten or pull up her stockings.
In Seattle, Washington, it is illegal for a female to ride the bus or train while sitting on a man's lap unless a pillow is placed between them.
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, has a law against sleeping in a refrigerator.
St Louis, Missouri, has a law that prohibits anyone from allowing garbage to collect on their or their neighbor's roof.
Scranton, Pennsylvania, has a law prohibiting a woman from hanging her undergarments on a line to dry unless the fence is tall enough to sheild her "unmentionables" from the veiw of neighbors or passersby. However, the fence cannot have points on the top.
Virginia has a law that requires a husband to keep an eye on his wife's safety on Sunday by carrying a musket while walking no less than 20 paces behind her.
Foxpoint, Wisconsin, prohibits dogs from acting as though they are vicious animals. They must not bark, snarl or make manacing gestures.
In International Falls, Minnesota, cats are forbidden from chasing dogs up trees.
In Shawnee, Oklahoma, it's against the law for a group of three or more dogs to meet on private property unless they have written permission.
In Normal, Oklahoma, it's illegal to make ugly faces at a dog. Violators can be fined, arrested and/or jailed for the offense.
Baltimore, Maryland, bans anyone from taking a lion to the movies.
In Miami, Florida, it's illegal for a man to be seen publicly in any form of strapless gown.
In St Croix, Wisconsin, it's illegal for a woman to wear anything red in public.
Oxford, Ohio, prohibits women from undressing in front of a man's picture.
A Tuscon, Arizona statute reads: "It shall be unlawful for any visiting football team or player to carry, convey, tote, kick, throw, pass or otherwise transport any inflated pigskin across the University of Arizona goal line or score a safety within the city of Tuscon, County of Pima, State of Arizona." Violators can be fined 300$ and spend no less than 3 months in jail.
Oklahoma bans fishing for whales in the states inland waters seven days a week.
It is a criminal offense in Kentucky to shoot an unloaded weapon.
In New Britain, Conneticut, it's illegal for a fire truck to go over 25 mph, even to a fire.
In Tacoma, Washington, law states: "It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the cheif of police as he is entering the town."
Seattle, Washington, has a law on the books that prohibits anyone from carrying a concealed weapon of less than 6 feet in length.