Silver Blade Inn:
Revised Rules as of 11-5-98

1.  The ops have final say over anything. You are welcome to disagree with us, in message, but in the end, what we say goes. A good and logical argument may change a ruling.  Please be respectful when you do disagree, or be prepared to leave the Inn.

2.  God characters (either literal Gods, or overly powerful characters that can do and survive anything), immortal characters, etc. must be discussed and allowed by the ops. Under normal circumstances, none of these characters are allowed. This is because we want most role-play to be equal, which is impossible with an indestructible character. Addendum : No actual Gods my be played as characters, pc or npc.

3.  Fights will be mediated by an op, or another able person. Again, what the op says goes (see rule 1). Unless there is a rational reason for your character to go completely unscathed, s/he won't. And sometimes, dying will happen.

4.  Out-of-character (OOC) talk will be limited to brackets, and short conversation only. If you need to speak with someone longer than a few lines this way, take it to message. The same goes for arguments.

5.  No "lamer" bashing. If you  have a problem with the way a character/person is acting, talk to an op. We will take care of the situation if we find any problems with it.

6.  Please try and be considerate of those playing around you. Read what's going on, and act accordingly. Do not just "do your own thing" and block others from role-playing enjoyment.

7.  Although this room is fantasy, it is not specifically AD&D; therefore, not all AD&D rules will apply or work. Again, listen to your ops on this one. We have everyone's best interests at heart.

8. Again, see rule one.

9.  Kicking Policy: If you are breaking a rule, including just being irritating to those in the room, you will be warned twice, either by message or in the room. If you refuse to comply, you will be kicked and banned. The amount of time will be determined by the Op that bans you. If you advertise another room, you will be kicked immediately. If you use profane language, you will be warned, and then kicked. This is an all ages room, please act accordingly.

10. Banning: If you are banned indefinitely, it will take a vote of 2/3 of the ops to remove the ban. That means, you will have to set up a meeting with the ops, and plead your case. Again, remember to be respectful, or no one will listen to you.

11. Finally, have fun. This room is here to enjoy, and we're glad you're with us!

Questions or comments? E-mail Morganne 

