Welcome to the CRAM Sector Recruiting Office
Hello. I'm Sergeant Riger. As you know, the continuing Imperial-Alliance
war is draining our sector of valuable resources. Most of our original officers
want to retire. As a result, we have many openings for officers, if you have
what it takes.
Before you decide to apply, there are some things you should know: The CRAM
Sector is kind of like the Nacona Sector. This page is intended to provide
a setting for gamemasters to use a few years after the Battle in the
StarWars universe. There may be more things added, but as of this date, that
is the CRAM Sector's main purpose. Also, this is before the Battle
of Sluis Van. Not many people know about Thrawn. He is still alive. Karrde
has not betrayed him yet. The Noghri still serve Thrawn fanatically.
Current Openings:
2 Fleet Admirals
4+ Admirals
12 Star Destroyer Captains and ship names
Governors with the planet that they govern
6+ Generals (when creating give background and what they are used to commanding)
Any Corperatoins, list what products they produce.
Any other personal such as CSA (CRAM Security Agency) personal, BOB (Intel
for short) operatives, and any other Imperial or not so Imperial.
We of the CRAM Sector are always looking for officers to fill our ranks.
If you have any ideas for characters please write up a summery of the character
and planet, ship etc... RPG stats are most helpful.If you want to become
a governor, please send planetary information (StarWars: Planets of the Galaxy
by West End Games).
To apply for a post, send a message to
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