Whats New!
All that is new and improved as you pass "Through the Witchgate"
this page was last updated:  June 20, 1999.

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June 21. 1999
Honest, I would have added more stuff, but my attempts to update my LINKS PAGES have repeatedly met with disaster and tedium. But despite some truely bizarre, random transformations of my HTML , the main links page is up. 

June 6. 1999
Its been far too long,  and I apologize to everyone for the wait, but I finally done a major update on the Shigata Ga Nai HIGH! section.  Includes:
- new Mecha Rules in the "Science Fair Section"
- New animated anime GIF files in the "Gallery"
- New rules in the "Principal's Office"
- and, the one you've all been waiting for .... the ALUMNI and CLASSLIST sections are up!  Remember that I'm always looking for submissions.

Jan 6. 1999
An entirely new section has been opened!

Dec 28. 1998
The "Mecha" Section of Shigata Ga Nai HIGH! has been expanded and updated
Added a "Secrets" section to the Moonlight Empire,. No don't ask were it is, the Link is secret.
As well  as a few additions to the "Organizations" section, and a few cosmetic corrections.
I've added a Guestbook. Please sign up and tell me what you think.

Nov 11. 98
Organized and added too the Defects section of Shigata Ga Nai HIGH!
Added an Animated Anime GIF gallery to Shigata Ga Nai HIGH! For no other reason that I think they're cool.

Oct 21. 1998
I have added the first Magic Section to the Moonlight Empire. Spells are soon to follow. [I am aware of the problem on Page 12 - Bestiary 2. Apparently the problem is originating at Geocities because I've checked the coding a dozen time and it is still not working]

Oct 21. 1998
Hello. I realize that I haven't updated this section in a while and for that I apologize. But that doesn't mean I haven't been working away. You might notice the new Links page (finally), but also check out new weapons and monsters for the Moonlight Empire and take a trip around the Anime RPG Webring. Its growing slowlu but surely.
Over the next few weeks I will be adding a great deal to the sight, so stay tuned (or whatever)!

Comming Soon!
-More Attributes and Defects.  For both Character and Mecha. 
- Vehicle Contruction Rules 
- A magical Mecha section
-More races and monsters. 
-Eventually Magic and Psionics. 
-Still waiting in the Talislanta 10th Anniversay Ed. so that I can work on more Archtypes and monsters. They promise any day now. 
-Krazz's Collection: exotic and rare weapons from across Talislanta. Plus I promise a complete review of my files on disk. 

The Sanctum Alcedon
The Parthenthius
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Shigata Ga Nai High
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