~~ Janice's Chamber ~~

Part of the Beauty and the Beast online universe

The candles are lit, the tea has been poured, all we're waiting for is you... Come in and pull up a chair.

Hi, I'm Janice, and this is my chamber. Since you're here, you probably know me from the Beauty Beast TV mailing list or from Tunnel Dreams. Welcome to my corner of the tunnels.

Here in my chamber we love hot tea, good books, and most of all, close friends. Poetry reading is a frequent occurrence. I especially love when we read from Blake, Keats, or Rilke. And of course, Shakespeare knew everything.

Picture tour of the 1997 BATB convention

Janice's Poetry

More Tunnels and Chambers

Janice's First Story - Out of the Darkness (classic, of course)

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Email me! rememberlove@juno.com<

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