Eternally Undecided?: Redbeard's Page | Has Moved!
Ambivalently on the web since April 5th, 1997

Version 4.0.8
Final Update: June 7th, 2006

Antique logo for Redbeard's Page. Circa 1997.

June 7th, 2006:

This should be the last update of this page. For a long, long, long long long time. As of April 5th, 2006, this website has moved to Please update your bookmarks.

Some parts of this website will remain for a spell. Most have already moved. I don't have plans to update anything on this page for the near future.

As a treat, here are some of the images I've used over the many years. Above you can see one of the first banners that adorned this site. Below is the evolution of my background image, from the original through its many variations and revisions.

Version 1, circa 1997:

Refined in 1999:

Cubism in 2001:

The final cut, 2003:

And last, but not least, the House Katyrnyn logo
and the "Save House Katyrnyn" campaign button.

It's been a long and strange trip, and I'll see you on the flipside.
Or, perhaps, I'll see you on my new webpage:

'till later.....

Andrew W. Cummings |

This Fading Suns Jumpweb webring site is owned by Andrew Cummings.

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