Cpt. Jaina Solo's YJK Web Site

Alrighty... I have some sections of the sight up and working now, andsome new fanfiction up.... check it out... also scroll down and PLEASE take a look at the Anouncements

Okay... site of the month is.... Star Wars FanFix I give it about a 6 opn a scale of 1 - 10. They don't undate often and don't have much fanifiction in the YJK and JJK section but the fiction they do have is great.

Have a web site you have seen and want up? Lemme know. Even if it's YOURS! I'll get it up!

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what should be put here? I need ideas
Some info about me. (IRL)
Jaina's Room (WARNING: Careful where you step)
Message Board
A Bunch Of Pics!
Fan Fiction
Links to other pages

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okay so... here is the deal. You want fanfiction. I want to give you that fanfiction.... if you write and send it I'll actually post it for a change... so get them to me and hurry :)

You are theth person to enter hyper space since Dec. 15, 1998.

Last Updated May 26, 1999
Note: Im new to all of this so mail me tips, pics, advice and more!!! email me here

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