Gerald Lamb's Home Page

I am a junior at the University of Florida, and I am majoring in history. I graduated from First Coast High School in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1995. I am a member of the Gainesville, FL chapter of the Newman Club, a national Catholic student organization, and I have twice worked as a team member on ALPHA, a semi-annual retreat geared towards college-age youths. I am also a member of the University of Florida College Bowl team.

I'm not really sure why I started up this homepage. I think part of the reason is that somewhere along the way, I ended up with way too much time on my hands, and I decided that I should use some of it to learn a little more about computers. Ever since coming to UF, I've had an e-mail account, but it wasn't until November of last year that I learned that I could set up my own web site through that account. About the same time, I met this guy named Craig, who was taking a lot of the same classes as I was and who just happened to know a little about computers. He taught me my first (and thus far, my only) computer language, HTML, and he helped me set up this page. Ever since then, I've sort of surfed the web looking for cool stuff to add to my page. Take a look around, I hope you like what's here thus far!

Some of my other pages:

The Star Wars Page

Highlander:the Gathering


The Michael W. Smith Page

Astronomy (collaborative effort with Craig Warner)

Personal Info

Links to other Christian music sites

Other Links

Mirror Page of this one.

Coming Soon:

As I continue to explore the Internet, this list will continue to grow, so don't be a stranger, you never know what might show up here...

I'm open to suggestions on how to improve this page, so please e-mail me with any questions and/or comments.

You are victim number since November 7, 1996.

Many thanks to Craig Warner, who is much more knowledgeable about computers than I am.

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