Johnathon Bowser

Welcome to my Realm....

The magic in my Realm will allow you to escape, to become lost in a world of imagination where reality dissolves and becomes a distant memory.....

Here you can live your fantasy....

I consider my Realm to contain ONLY the Best images on the internet!! From enchanting Unicorns to fire breathing Dragons, from powerful sexy Warriors & Wizards, to creatures that could only exist in one's imagination... They ALL reside here....

If this is what you are looking for, then please enter for you shall not be disappointed!!!!!

What's your fantasy???

Under Construction!!
We are temporarily under some serious construction...  Please bear with me during this revamping!!!
As each page becomes available I will post it!!

Greetings travelers..  Before you enter I must tell you that my pages are VERY IMAGE INTENSIVE!!  Also many of the images I have collected are sensual and may contain some mild nudity, so if this would offend you, then please do not view my pages...  These are truly the best images that I've found out there, as I've spent hundreds of hours searching for that special one.. And as I find the time, I WILL be adding more images each month!! Enjoy...:)

Now please, Enter, And visit my little family....:)

Under Construction!!
Dragon IndexDragons.. In the world of fantasy, he reigns as the most mystical and magical of all beasts.. For he is the mighty guardian of the heavens, quiet until we disturb him... And then, as if a door in the sky opens, his raging force awakens.....

Under Construction!!

ImaginationImagination.. The creatures that reside here are splendid.. We have centaurs, gryphons, cat women, and much much more....

Unicorn site is open...

UnicornsUnicorns.. Early Christian legend tells how the Unicorn was the first creature to be named by Adam after the Creation.. For which reason it was particularly blessed by God with grace and intelligence...

Pegasus site is open...
Pegasus Pegasus... When you have the most noblest of steeds with the purest of hearts, you call that perfection...  When you improve perfection, the Pegasus is the final result...

Under Construction!!

Wizards & WarriorsWizards & Warriors.. View this page to see some of the most sexy, as well as the most deadly of warriors around...

Under Construction!!

Angels Mermaids FairysMermaids, Fairies, & Angels.. What Realm would be complete without the beauty of Mermaids, the dreams of Fairies, or the hope and love that comes from Angels???

Under Construction!!

FantasyFantasy..  Nudity and fantasy go well together!!! If thou art offended easily, or not 18 then please skip this part of my realm...

Under Construction!!
Camouflage art Camouflage Art... I realize that this does not quite fit with the "theme" of this site, but I feel the need to share the talent of these great artists!!  I love the art of Bev Doolittle and Judy Larson!!  Can you find the hidden images within each picture???

My Story site is open....
My Story My Story..  This is my story, no one else's but my own...

Link Site is open yet still under construction..

Links.. As I find them, all those wonderful artists that have allowed me to use their images will have links here to their own main galleries...

Note: All images are copyrighted by their artists.. No images may be reproduced or altered without their express permission..


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