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Rachel's Elf Haven

a place for all elves

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Welcome, friends, to my humble page. And I do mean humble. ;) This site has many parts. I haven't given them as much attention to them over the years as I have Coral, but they still may be entertaining. Feel free to look around!

Over here we have Jink-a-holics Anonymous, my Jink fan page, which includes biographical information on Jink, her origins, pictures, surveys, and fan art & fic!

Also there is Red Coral Holt, my beloved sea elf holt, now happily situated at a new site. Feel free to step inside and take a look around. For those of you who don't know, a holt is a branch of the Elfquest Fan Club where you can make up your own character, write stories, draw pictures, and make friends.

Want to talk to someone, leave a message, or just see what's going on? :) There are two ways to do it: Visit the Elf Haven Chat Room. Can't guarantee you'll get to chat with someone, but it's a distinct possibility! Or, use the Elf Haven Forum, which allows for threaded discussions. It also has the benefit that your message won't disappear into the air when people start to chat. ;) *heh heh heh* :D

Please browse through the Elf Haven Card Shop,where you can create and send ElfQuest postcards.

Or visit the Awards Page, to see the awards that various kind folks have given to me. You can also apply to get my award, Rachel's Elf-a-licious Site Award (for sites about elves, preferably EQ elves) by e-mailing me with the site URL, the owner's e-mail, and why you think it deserves an award.

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running wolf

Links to other Holts I belong to:

DesertWinds Holt
Ivy Holt old site
Starshaper's Holt MIA
Windhowl Holt
Fallen Oaks Holt MIA
Timetree Holt MIA
Jungle Green Holt old site
Jungle Green Holt new site(??)
Icerunner's Den semi-active, no site
The SkyHaven MIA
Trailduster Holt
Tribe of the 2 Elements
Shadow Vale Holt

Links to other Elf-Appreciation Societies I belong to:

Friends of Nightfall
Teir's Den
Sad-Eyed Aroree Lovers MIA
Cutter's Den MIA

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Elfquest art copyright 2001 Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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