Herein lieth my Realm...

I bid thee welcome.

Personal Message from Blue Rose:
Allo! Explore to your heart's content, as I have many relaxing places available. Thank you for coming, and enjoy...>~@~

So far, travellers have already come and gone.

These are the different areas of pleasure, relaxation, and entertainment...
If Star Wars, is your fancy, then go there, guard your patience for the pics take a time to download...but they are well worth the wait.

Now, if Star Trek is your favorite, go to this place.

Here lies the passage to a (small) hall of my Choice pics and files, and if you'd like to talk one-on-one with somebody special, my Ak'Weth chatroom is the place to go...

Uploaded from my portfolio, I've constructed a Hall of Poems, wherein lies my best poetry to date.

If you have not as yet taken advantage of the Music Hall, do so immediately! It has new files!

Test your reflexes with these simple yet entertainingGames!

I hope that you will visit again soon...

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