Forest [cd23], forest, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Forest [cc23], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cd24], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cf23], 8 days
   West, to Plain [cd22], 7 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cd59], plain, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Plain:
   North, to Swamp [cc59], 14 days
   East, to Swamp [cd60], 14 days
   South, to Mountain [cf59], 10 days
   West, to Swamp [cd58], 14 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cd61], plain, in Provinia, civ-1
No further data currently available for plain [cd61]

Forest [cd62], forest, in Provinia, civ-1

Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Plain [cc62], 7 days
   East, to Mountain [cd63], 10 days
   South, to Plain [cf62], 7 days
   West, to Plain [cd61], 7 days

Inner locations:
   Graveyard [h432], graveyard, 1 day

Routes leaving Graveyard:
   Out, to Forest [cd62], 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Mountain [cd63], mountain, in Provinia, civ-3
Routes leaving Mountain:
   North, to Swamp [cc63], 14 days
   East, to Forest [cd64], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cf63], 8 days
   West, to Forest [cd62], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Yew grove [z835], yew grove, 1 day
   Murray's Fine Meals [1200], inn, defense 10
   Mine One [1742], mine, defense 10, depth 1

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cd64], forest, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Mountain [cc64], 10 days
   East, to Swamp [cd65], 14 days
   South, to Forest [cf64], 8 days
   West, to Mountain [cd63], 10 days

Inner locations:
   Dartagnan's Draught Beer [9829], inn, defense 10

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cd68], plain, in Provinia, civ-3
No further data currently available for plain [cd68]

Forest [cd69], forest, in Provinia, civ-1
No further data currently available for forest [cd69]

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cd71], plain, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Plain:
   North, to Plain [cc71], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cd72], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cf71], 8 days
   West, to Mountain [cd70], 10 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cd73], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Plain [cc73], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cd74], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cf73], 8 days
   West, to Forest [cd72], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cd74], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
No further data currently available for forest [cd74]

Plain [cd75], plain, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving Plain: North, to Forest [cc75], 8 days East, to Ocean [cd76], Great Sea, 2 days South, to Plain [cf75], 7 days West, to Forest [cd74], 8 days Inner locations: Ancient battlefield [v647], battlefield, 1 day Pasture [k367], pasture, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Ocean [cd77], ocean, in Great Sea
Routes leaving Ocean:
   North, to Ocean [cc77], 3 days
   East, to Ocean [cd78], 3 days
   South, to Ocean [cf77], 3 days
   West, to Ocean [cd76], 3 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]