Desert [cf58], desert, in Provinia, wilderness
No further data available for desert [cf58]

Mountain [cf59], mountain, in Provinia, wilderness

Routes leaving Mountain:
   North, to Plain [cd59], 7 days
   East, to Plain [cf60], 7 days
   South, to Forest [cg59], 8 days
   West, to Desert [cf58], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cf60], plain, in Provinia, wilderness
No further data available for plain [cf60]

Forest [cf61], forest, in Provinia, civ-1
No further data currently available for forest [cf61]

Plain [cf62], plain, in Provinia, civ-3

Routes leaving Plain:
   North, to Forest [cd62], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cf63], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cg62], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cf61], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf63], forest, in Provinia, civ-6
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Mountain [cd63], 10 days
   East, to Forest [cf64], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cg63], 8 days
   West, to Plain [cf62], 7 days

Inner locations:
   Kygor's Blessings [r13], city, 1 day
   Althus' Fine Ale [8829], inn, defense 10
   Kygor's First Temple [4986], temple, defense 10
   Musketeer's Fort [9933], castle, defense 60, level 2
   Musketeer University [1389], tower, defense 40

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Kygor's Blessings [r13], city, in province Forest [cf63]
Routes leaving Kygor's Blessings:
   Out, to Forest [cf63], 1 day

Cities rumored to be nearby:
   Cyrkarth [g34], in Plain [cb61]

Skills taught here:
   Combat [610], Stealth [630], Persuasion [670], Construction [680],
   Forestry [700], Magic [800], Necromancy [900]

Market report:

   trade   who   price    qty     wt/ea   item
   -----   ---   -----    ---     -----   ----
     buy   r13     126      6        50   hides [99]
     buy   r13       7      9         5   clay pots [95]
    sell   r13      12     25        30   wood [77]
    sell   r13      42     41        38   vinegar [t807]
    sell   r13      24     36        30   incense [h961]

Inner locations:
   Sewer [r124], sewer, hidden

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf64], forest, in Provinia, civ-3
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Forest [cd64], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cf65], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cg64], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cf63], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf65], forest, in Provinia, civ-1
No further data currently available for forest [cf65]

Forest [cf66], forest, in Provinia, wilderness

Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Swamp [cd66], 14 days
   East, to Swamp [cf67], 14 days
   South, to Plain [cg66], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cf65], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Swamp [cf67], swamp, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving Swamp:
   North, to Swamp [cd67], 14 days
   East, to Forest [cf68], 8 days
   South, to Mountain [cg67], 10 days
   West, to Forest [cf66], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf68], forest, in Provinia, civ-2
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Plain [cd68], 7 days
   East, to Plain [cf69], 7 days
   South, to Forest [cg68], 8 days
   West, to Swamp [cf67], 14 days

Inner locations:
   Sarindor [w33], city, 1 day
   Hawk's Nest [3105], inn, defense 10

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Sarindor [w33], city, in province Forest [cf68]
Routes leaving Sarindor:
   Out, to Forest [cf68], 1 day

Cities rumored to be nearby:
   Obraed [n66], in Swamp [cc68]
   Kygor's Blessings [r13], in Forest [cf63]

Skills taught here:
   Combat [610], Stealth [630], Persuasion [670], Construction [680],
   Forestry [700], Magic [800], Necromancy [900]

Market report:

   trade   who   price    qty     wt/ea   item
   -----   ---   -----    ---     -----   ----
     buy   w33     136     28        50   ink [a889]
     buy   w33      85     50        65   plum wine [d862]
     buy   w33       7      9         5   clay pots [95]
    sell   w33      12     25        30   wood [77]
    sell   w33      60     39        23   cardamom [s168]
    sell   w33      33     32        38   vinegar [s273]

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cf69], plain, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving Plain:
   North, to Forest [cd69], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cf70], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cg69], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cf68], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Sacred grove [z984], sacred grove, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf70], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Mountain [cd70], 10 days
   East, to Forest [cf71], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cg70], 7 days
   West, to Plain [cf69], 7 days

Inner locations:
   Old battlefield [v025], battlefield, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf71], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Plain [cd71], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cf72], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cg71], 8 days
   West, to Forest [cf70], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf72], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Forest [cd72], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cf73], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cg72], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cf71], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf73], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Forest [cd73], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cf74], 8 days
   South, to Mountain [cg73], 10 days
   West, to Forest [cf72], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cf74], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
No further data currently available for forest [cf74]

Plain [cf75], plain, in Provinia, civ-1

Routes leaving Plain: 
   North, to Plain [cd75], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cf76], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cg75], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cf74], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Rocky hill [v521], rocky hill, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Ocean [cf77], ocean, in Great Sea
Routes leaving Ocean:
   North, to Ocean [cd77], 3 days
   East, to Ocean [cf78], 3 days
   South, to Desert [cg77], Provinia, 2 days
   West, to Forest [cf76], Provinia, 2 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Ocean [cf78], ocean, in Great Sea
Routes leaving Ocean: 
   North, to Ocean [cd78], 3 days
   East, to Ocean [cf79], 3 days
   South, to Ocean [cg78], 3 days
   West, to Ocean [cf77], 3 days

Inner locations:
   Island [v815], island, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]