Forest [cx77], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving The Moonlands: 
   North, plain, to Land's End [cw77], 7 days
   East, desert, to The Moonlands [cx78], 8 days
   South, plain, to The Moonlands [cz77], 7 days
   West, plain, to The Moonlands [cx76], 7 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Desert [cx78], desert, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving The Moonlands: 
   North, plain, to Land's End [cw78], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cx79], 8 days
   South, swamp, to Land's End [cz78], 14 days
   West, forest, to The Moonlands [cx77], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Llorkh [s06], city, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Llorkh [s06], city, in province The Moonlands [cx78]
Routes leaving Llorkh: 
   Out, desert, to The Moonlands [cx78], 1 day

Cities rumored to be nearby:
   Yellowleaf [r52], in Forest [dh78], safe haven
   Elantir [s99], in Land's End [dc79]
   Sesklos [w99], in Land's End [cx84]
   Boden City [x55], in Forest [cq77]

Skills taught here:
   Combat [610], Stealth [630], Construction [680], Trade [730],
   Magic [800], Necromancy [900]

Market report:

   trade   who	 price	  qty	  wt/ea	  item
   -----   ---	 -----	  ---	  -----	  ----
     buy   s06	     4	   15	      1	  woven baskets [94]
     buy   s06	   125	    5	     50	  hides [99]
     buy   s06	    74	   47	     50	  soap [r492]
    sell   s06	   150	   47	    100	  purple cloth [j142]
    sell   s06	   120	   34	    100	  purple cloth [n905]

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cx79], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest: 
   North, to Plain [cw79], 7 days
   East, to Mountain [cx80], 10 days
   South, to Mountain [cz79], 10 days
   West, to Desert [cx78], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Mountain [cx80], mountain, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Mountain: 
   North, to Plain [cw80], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cx81], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cz80], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cx79], 8 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cx81], forest, in Provinia, wilderness<
Routes leaving Forest: 
   North, to Plain [cw81], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cx82], 8 days
   South, to Mountain [cz81], 10 days
   West, to Mountain [cx80], 10 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cx82], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest: 
   North, to Swamp [cw82], 14 days
   East, to Swamp [cx83], 14 days
   South, to Mountain [cz82], 10 days
   West, to Forest [cx81], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Barrow Hills [r321], graveyard, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Swamp [cx83], swamp, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Swamp:
   North, to Plain [cw83], 7 days
   East, to Forest [cx84], 8 days
   South, to Forest [cz83], 8 days
   West, to Forest [cx82], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Cursed Pits [k630], pits, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cx84], forest, in Provinia, civ-1
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Forest [cw84], 8 days
   East, to Plain [cx85], 7 days
   South, to Mountain [cz84], 10 days
   West, to Swamp [cx83], 14 days

Inner locations:
   Sesklos [w99], city, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Sesklos [w99], city, in province Forest [cx84]
Routes leaving Sesklos: 
   Out, to Forest [cx84], 1 day

Cities rumored to be nearby:
   Attewelle [a88], in Forest [da82]
   Nantasarn [m94], in Plain [dc83]
   Delorn [q93], in Plain [cz85]

Skills taught here:
   Combat [610], Stealth [630], Construction [680], Forestry [700],
   Trade [730], Magic [800], Scrying [840]

Market report:

   trade   who  price      qty       wt/ea     item
   -----   ---  -----      ---       -----     ----
     buy   w99      7        9           5     clay pots [95]
    sell   w99     12       25          30     wood [77]
    sell   w99     30       47          30     incense [k187]
    sell   w99    130       35         100     purple cloth [k197]

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cx85], plain, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Plain: 
   North, to Forest [cw85], 8 days
   East, to Forest [cx86], 8 days
   South, to Plain [cz85], 7 days
   West, to Forest [cx84], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Rocky hill [q758], rocky hill, 1 day
   Poppy field [v157], poppy field, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Forest [cx86], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Forest: 
   North, to Swamp [cw86], 14 days
   East, to Plain [cx87], 7 days
   South, to Plain [cz86], 7 days
   West, to Plain [cx85], 7 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Plain [cx87], plain, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Plain: 
   North, to Plain [cw87], 7 days
   East, to Mountain [cx88], 10 days
   South, to Swamp [cz87], 14 days
   West, to Forest [cx86], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Poppy field [f701], poppy field, 1 day

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Mountain [cx88], mountain, in Provinia, wilderness
Routes leaving Mountain: 
   North, to Plain [cw88], 7 days
   East, to Ocean [cx89], Great Sea, impassable
   South, to Ocean [cz88], Great Sea, impassable
   West, to Plain [cx87], 7 days

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]

Ocean [cx89], ocean, in Great Sea
Routes leaving Ocean: 
   North, to Ocean [cw89], 3 days
   East, to Ocean [cx90], 3 days
   South, to Ocean [cz89], 3 days
   West, to Mountain [cx88], Provinia, impassable

[ Olympia II | Overview Map ]
[ Northwest Coast | Northeast Coast | Western Provinia | Central Provinia | Eastern Provinia ]