Talkin' to the 'Swedish Chick'.
Venkman comes walking up to the Swedish girl and the other males that
have gathered and elbows his way through to stand
before her. He looks up from a small dictionary he has in his
hands..."Okay,stay with me now...I've just been perusing this little
book to try and get a feel for your native tongue...learn the
language...'cause I feel that may make some sort of
impression...okay? Alrighty, here goes...remember, this is my first
Venkman clears his throat and, reading fom the book, says in a rich
Swedish-type accent "Good Night, Girl, Can I rub butter
into your buttocks?"
The 'Swedish Chick' frowns....and some smartass in the crowd around her
who already knows the language almost pees
himself laughing...Venkman looks at the girl expecting an answer, but
sees that she is looking quite offended...
"Oh...Alright...Let's try something else" and he then says : " That cow
over next to your father is quite a beast, i am aroused
and wish to purchase cheese"
Venkman throws his arms wide "hey! huh! How about that!" The guy who
knows the language already taps Venkman on the
shoulder and whispers in his ear "ummmm...I think you need to practise
some more...she's.." venkman sweeps him away
"shush", he whispers back, "I'm gunna try again....she's gunna be
mine!!" And he reads from the book again....
"There is no butt like yours, except that large planetary circle in the
sky at night that circles our earth....and is but made with
The Swedish girl screams and kicks Venkman right between the legs before
running off...followed by a bunch of adoring
males...except one guy who leans over Venkman, who is lying, twisting in
agony and moaning, on the ground..."told
ya"...Venkman opens his tear filled eyes "Thanks...*gasp*....I'll listen
next time to your...*grunt*...advice....she's got a real
good kick there...gunna be a real good soccer player...*wince*...could I
have some ice please?"