Welcome To Alderaan

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Check out my All New Multimedia Page : Lord Vader's Lair

- Sound Files (If you want it... It is there)

- Video Clips (If you have the hard drive space well worth the wait)

- Themes (Star Wars bonuses for those with MS PlusŪ)

- Pictures (Perfect for the background capabilites of Windows 95)

- Music Clips (Over 30 midi files and a few AU files)



- This image indicates a site that I recommend

Star Wars Links...

Star Wars Trilogy: Official Website - A must!

LucasArts Entertainment Company - Plenty of Cool Star Wars Stuff

Mike's Star Wars Page - Plenty of good wavs

The Alley's of Mos Eisley - An excellent Star Wars Page

Shadows of the Empire -A very interesting site

Rogue4's Star Wars Site - A good Star Wars Site

The Complete Star Wars Listing - Lots of links to great Star Wars Web Pages

The Ultimate Star Wars Links Page - The name says it all

Star Wars WebRing site is owned by Daniel Hicks.

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Click here to see a cool Star Wars Image...

If you are wondering, the Star Wars Theme Song has been moved to the Lord Vader's Lair...

Tired of jumping from search engine to search engine, well now you can learn the ways of the force, and visit all the search engines from one site. Provided as a courtesy to all Star Wars fans... It's "Forceful Searching." Click here...

General Links - fun places to go

Chess Links - only the best

- My School's Homepage

Questions, Comments, or Critism.... email me...

Created by: Daniel Hicks

Always , Always

This page has helped members of the rebellion..

I know that you are sorry the page has to end... but you can have too much of a good thing

Goodbye... Click here

No small animals (or jawas) were harmed in the production of this web page.

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Guestbook by Lpage

This page has been created for the benefit of everyone (in the rebellion), and you may download and use any material on this page for whatever you want. Feel free to add a link to my page, or to ask me to add a link to yours. In the process of making this page, however I might have offended someone by borrowing gif's from other web sites, if so, I am sorry. Please email me, and I will fix the problem. Also if any of my Star Wars material is incorrect, please let me know. Finally, I would like to thank Blizzard, George Lucas, GeoCities, Lpage, Han Solo, my friend David Clark, the technology staff at GSGIS, Jobba the Hut, Enorex Microsystems, Anakin Skywalker, AT & T, and all Star Wars fans who have taken the time to visit my peaceful, defenseless, Alderaan.


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