Words from the Gangrel Elders

From Harry on survival:

Watch your back young ones for the night is dangerous in the city of Gary. Kindred here just can't seem to stay alive. Who kills them? Who doesn't? Though I am willing to bet that Genivieve does more than her share. Stay away from her. If you must deal with her watch your step and speak very soflty. One wrong word and well it was nice knowing you.....get my meaning?

What do I think of the Ventrue? Why don't you sit down and pass along the Drinks. Well now. I know who Tempest is and let me tell you , in his younger days he was quite a lion. His current weakness is either a very big lapse or it is just a front so he can see who his supporters are. Yeah I respect him , or least who he used to be. Well now someone has killed Him , I guess Tempest wasn't acting. Either that or the dumb bastard got himself shoveled. The new Ventrue Primogen J.D. is an okay guy, seems trustworthy and competent enough. I kinda like him.

The Malkavians: Fools! The ones we got are just down right stupid. If they get in the way you know what to do don't you. Good. They are getting in the way.

The Tremere:These ladies are interesting enough , being witches to the core. Genivieve is A fairly competent Primogen, though not quite an elder she has the potential to be a good one. Don't mess with her and I won't have to hit you 'kay! Just remember what I said above and you'll do ok. Besides I think she's kinda cute....you tell her that I said that and I will use you for a scratching post!

The Toreador: Need I bother with these fops. Though I hear Winston was a Toreador to be respected. I hear he would have rather been one of us. But hey deep down who dosen't? Now they are all whining about wanting a new Primogen. I don't even think that they deserve one.

The Brujah: Not really a problem . The ones we do got are all thinkers. Not a real problem. Good for conversation , good at a party , they are pretty cool but still don't tolerate any crap.

The Nosferatu: These guys are usually worth some respect. In Gary they are suspected of being Sabbat. If this is proved, then, well again, you know what to do.

The Garou in the area are getting mildy uppity about all of the pollution from the mills and whatnot. If it comes down to a war guess who gets called on. Of course it will be us little one ! Do you think the Toreador will get their pretty little soft hands dirty. Yes I have fought garou in the past. Who won? I'm still here ain't I? Don't ask stupid questions or you will make me angry. Don't do that! You would NOT like me when I am angry! Anyway the Garou ain't so bad if you don't question their honor or got worms or whatever it is they are always ranting about. I hear we got one in town. Walk softly and carry a lotta silver.

The Sabbat: Well again I'm still here ain't I? Though you younger ones should keep an eye on Michigan. Looks to me like they got Tempest....stay outta Michigan unless you wanna be next.

In the end all of this boils down to - Stick together and don't let others think for you. Make allies carefully and always rely on the clan . Blood is thinker than water right?

Archon Braddus: Yeah I know him. Have for years. We get along? How? Why the hell do you think I came to this forsaken city, for the scenery? (clubbing sound) Now just up 'kay. Braddus is always bitching about the Tradition breatches in Gary. And Verass won't let us kill everyone , so I am here to stop 'em.

Ghouls have their place and it is below Vampires. I like ghouls and they can be useful but in the end they are only kine with an attitude. If a ghoul gets uppity the warn his regnent . Then if he persists kill him and take it out on the vampire that made him. If the Ghoul has no regnent and he tosses you crap..........bring some sawdust to clean up the mess.

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