Who am I? Well, when I'm not busy being Warrwykk (not a common occurence, as Warrwykk is both persona and occasionally nom-de-plume), I'm a graduate from the University of Southern Maine in the field of history. As you may have guessed from what you've seen so far my major area of interest is British Medieval history and primarily the Wars of the Roses. Besides the University, I have also attended King Alfred's College in Winchester, England; Lewis and Clark college in Godfrey, Illinois; and began my Master's degree at the University of Illinois in Springfield in the Spring of 1998.

I worked at Maine Historical Society for a couple of years doing research and assisting in curatorial work, including the Repatriation project in 1996. If you are planning a trip to Maine or are in Maine but haven't ever visited the Maine Historical Society, I highly recommend it. To learn a bit more about the Society, click here. And for those who would like to learn a lot more about Maine before they visit, I would suggest visiting Maine Network(Yes, I love and miss Maine so if any of you know of a very high paying job out there dealing with history and computers please tell me. ;)

Another job I've had at Maine Historical Society is to give tours of the Longfellow House in Portland (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's childhood home). To learn more about that poet, you can check out the Longfellow biography by Roberto Rabe, or if you're more interested in the anecdotes, you can check out my Longfellow Trivia .

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