Garden of Eden found?

In 1926 an elderly Anglo-American caused a sensation with the publication of his first book, The Lost Continent of Mu. In this book Colonel James Churchward claimed to have found irrefutable evidence linking the biblical Garden of Eden to the legendary sunken Pacific continent of Mu.

Churchward wrote that an old Asian priest had taught him to translate the primordial Muvian language, inscribed on certain tablets in India and Mexico. These tablets confirmed that Mu had been the foutainhead of civilization, predating even Atlantis. Several races of early humans had sprung up there, sharing the country with fauna ranging from brilliant butterflies to mastodons.

Unfortunately, Churchward reported this idyllic land rested on a foundation of gas-filled caves. The gas exploded in a great cataclysm 12,000 years ago and Mu sank beneath the waves. The lucky survivors who escaped to Muvian Colonies around the world later inscribed the tablets that Churchward claimed to have deciphered.

No such accounts have ever been found by others, nor have geologists discovered any trace of a sunken Pacific continent. But this has not deterred Churchward's readers: His first and subsequent books on Mu remained in print will into the 1960s.