Battle Zone Technology: Imperial Capital Ships
- Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer: The first of these vessels was commissioned by Emperor Palpatine following the Battle of Hoth. He envisioned an enormous craft to serve not only as a command ship for his fleets, but as yet another symbol of Imperial might and dominance. The first of these (appropriately christened the Eclipse) was launched into service six years after Endor. This prototype had an ebony colored hull and incorporated all of the significant starship advancements and weapons improvements of the last few decades. The starfighter contingent of the Eclipse SSD's is unparalleled. It contains 9.6 wings of fighters (8 squadrons of Scimitar Assault Bombers, 20 squadrons of TIE Interceptors, 20 squadrons of TIE Advanced, and 10 squadrons of TIE Defenders). each of the cavernous hangars of the Eclipse-class is large enough to hold a Victory Star Destroyer. The Eclipse is 17,500 meters long! Each Eclipse has a vast detachment of troopers, including an entire division of Stormtroopers as well as a COMPForce Assault Battalion and enough support troops to man the five prefabricated garrison bases. It also carries 100 AT-AT's and 200 AT-ST's. The most important and most feared part of the Eclipse is its main weapon: a spine mounted superlaser modeled on the main weapon of the Death Star Itself. The Death Star's prime weapon was composed of eight individual laser that would focus together. The Eclipse only carries one single laser (mounted at the bow), but recent focusing and generator advancements make this ray far more powerful than the units used on the Death Star. It has a ten-minute cycle time between shots. The Eclipse-class SSD requires 708,470 crew members to operate efficiently, but a Command skill of 110 will keep it operable with a crew of 88,500. It carries a total of 150,000 troopers for deployment on planets and in battles. Eclipse SSD's have a hyperdrive rating of
2 and a maneuverability rating of 100. The axial superlaser does up to 750 damage per shot. They have 550 heavy laser cannons (damage is 400), 500 turbolaser batteries (damage is 200), 75 ion cannons (ion damage is 150), 100 tractor beam emplacements (tractor strength is 300), and 10 gravity well projectors (nullifies any attempt to jump to hyperspace). The hull strength rating is 775 and the shield strength rating is 575. Cost is 675
(a player may not start with one of these). A character must be Imperial (and in the Emperor's good graces) to purchase one of these.
- Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer: A less powerful version of the Eclipse, though it still overwhelms the original Super Star Destroyer (it is 15,000 meters long). The Sovereign is similar to the Eclipse, though shorter. Its starfighter contingent is smaller (5 squadrons of Scimitar Assault Bombers, 20 squadrons of TIE Interceptors, 10 squadrons of TIE Advanced, and 5 squadrons of TIE Defenders), and it carries only 75 AT-AT's and 150 AT-ST's. The Sovereign-class SSD requires 601,670 crew members to operate efficiently, but a Command skill of 95 will keep it operable with a crew of 86,000. It carries a total of 130,100 troopers for deployment on planets and in battles. Sovereign SSD's have a hyperdrive rating of
2 and a maneuverability rating of 100. The axial superlaser does up to 750 damage per shot. They have 500 heavy laser cannons (damage is 400), 500 turbolaser batteries (damage is 200), 75 ion cannons (ion damage is 150), 100 tractor beam emplacements (tractor strength is 300), and 5 gravity well projectors (nullifies any attempt to jump to hyperspace). The hull strength rating is 660 and the shield strength rating is 400. Cost is 600
(a player may not start with one of these). A character must be Imperial (and in the Emperor's good graces) to purchase one of these.
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