There are many spirits, and magical beings that are closely linked with nature. They
can shift their shape, and take on some awesome power from their aspect. The most well
known of these nature spirits are the Dryads, but others exist within the wild realm of
Athel Loren. First there are Naiads, the water spirits, and then we have the Oreads, the
spirits of hills and mountains.
The following spirits are only available for the Wood Elves, together with the Dryads and
Treemen they from a new section to the Wood Elf list, Spirits of Nature. The Wood Elf
player may spend 25% of his total points on Spirits of Nature.
Your wood Elf army may include any number of Naiad regiments for 40 points a model.
Warrior Type | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | LD |
Naiads | 6 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 8 |
Special Rules:
Move: Naiads suffer no movement penalties for moving through watery terrain, including lakes, rivers, streams, and marshes. When in this terrain, anyone shooting at them suffers -2 penalty to hit, as the Naiads become part of the water.
Save: Naiads have a special save of 5+, and a magical save of 5+.
Shapeshifting: Naiads can assume various aspects during the combat phase, all Naiads take on the same aspect, and they may not use the same aspect for two turns in a row.
Stream aspect: When they use this aspect, the naiads bodies become fluid and therefore incredibly fast and manoeuvrable, the Naiads automatically strike first this round of hand to hand, this comes after chariot impact hits though, if opponent is also entitled to strike first, compare initiative.
River aspect: The Naiads arms turn to water, but lose none of their strength, however they slip straight through armour. When using this aspect, the enemy get no armour saves, (magic armour saves as normal) from the Naiads attacks
Marsh aspect: When the Naiads shift into marsh aspect, their enemies find the land they are standing on to be unstable making it hard to hit the naiads. Anyone attacking the Naiads suffer a -2 to hit penalty, as they are distracted by trying to stay afloat. This cannot result in the enemy needing greater than 6+ to hit.
Your wood Elf army may include any number of Oread regiments for 35 points a model.
Warrior Type | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | LD |
Oreads | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 8 |
Special Rules:
Move: Oreads suffer no movement penalties for moving through rocky terrain of any sort, in fact they can move straight up vertical cliffs.
Save: Oreads have a special save of 5+, and a magical save of 5+.
Shapeshifting: Oreads can assume various aspects during the combat phase, all Oreads take on the same aspect, and they may not use the same aspect for two turns in a row.
Mountain aspect: When they use this aspect, the Oreads grow to tower over their enemies, they no longer count as being man sized, eg for the giant's attacks, they also gain +1 to hit, because they are so much taller then their opponents. Mounted opponents must take a panic test, as their mounts shy away from the towering creatures.
Granite aspect: The Oreads arms turn to solid granite, with which they pound their enemies into dust. The Oreads get +2 strength this turn.
Gold aspect: When the Oreads shift into gold aspect, those of week mind find they are enamoured with the gold and stare at it in wonder. The enemy must take a leadership test on 2D6, if failed they may make no attacks against the Oreads for that turn. Dæmons and Undead are immune to this aspect, Dwarfs suffer -1 to their leadership for the test.
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