
These flying predators haunt the mountains of Caledor, roaming in large packs - unlike the solitary Dragons - and searching for prey. Although Drakes are related to Dragons, they are as different as night and day. To the casual observer they may seem similar, but the differences are as many as the likenesses, and they are in fact more akin to Wyvern. The Draconic wisdom and intellect has been replaced with a savage cunning and animal wit. Where the prideful Dragons would never stoop so low as eating carrion Drakes are scavengers be nature. And yet, with wake Dragons growing increasingly rare Dragon Princes can often count themselves lucky even to find a Drake, for although they are many in number they are wild and hard to tame.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Drake 3 5 0 5 5 2 7 2 6

Special rules:

Fly - Drakes have wings and can fly as described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Scaly Skin - Drakes have hard scales which act like armour, protecting them from attack. A Drake therefore has an armour saving throw of 6 on a D6. This is a special save, and is thus not modified by the strength of the attack.

Fiery Breath - Drakes can breathe a deadly flame, which is worked out as any other missile weapon. Once per battle, the Drake can unleash it's flame at any target within 12". This automatically inflicts a S3 hit. Note that this is a fire weapon, so flammable targets suffer double the number of wounds.

Not that a Drake is _not_ a Dragon, so special items and abilities which only affect Dragons have no effect on Drakes.

Drakes and riders:

As seen in the army list, regimental Dragon Princes can be mounted on Drakes. The rules for this are a bit different from those of another steed, since as Drakes have more than one wound they are not classified as mounts. The situation is worked out as follows:

In hand-to-hand combat any opponents may choose whether to strike the Drake or it's rider. Shooting hits are distributed randomly between riders and mounts, per the following chart:

1-2 - Dragon Prince
3-6 - Drake

If the Drake is killed, remove the model. The rider has fallen to the ground and is unconscious or disabled, and thus counted a casualty. If the rider is killed, roll a D6. If the result is a 1, the Drake breaks free and heads for the skies. Remove the model. Otherwise, assuming there is still at least one Dragon Prince surviving, the Drake may continue to fight on it's own, following the lead of the other Drakes. The Drake is now subject to stupidity. If all riders in a unit is killed, remove any remaining Drakes. For characters, Drakes are treated exactly like any other monster.


Young Dragons:

Young Dragons are newly hatched and have not yet grown to full strength. They are not often used in battle since Dragons are few and it is foolish to risk them before they are fully grown. Nevertheless, sometimes they do accompany the hosts of the Dragon Princes to war and are still formidable foes, even though weak compared to their elders.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Young Dragon 6 5 0 5 5 6 8 6 7

Special rules:

Fly - Young Dragons have wings and can fly as described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Scaly Skin - Young Dragons have extremely hard scales which act like armour, protecting them from attack. A Young Dragon therefore has an armour saving throw of a 5 or 6 on a D6. This is a special save, and is thus not modified by the strength of the attack.

Dragon's Breath - Young Dragons breathe a deadly flame, gas or lightning discharge. The type of breath depends on the colour of the Dragon. A Young Dragon's breath is worked out exactly like that of a normal Dragon of that colour, except that it may only be used once each battle. See the Battle Bestiary for further details.

Not that a Young Dragon is a Dragon and so special items and abilities which only affect Dragons also affect Young Dragons.

[Note: Originally taken from an "official" addon to 4th ed WHFB, recreated from memory since I've lost the thing!]

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