Battle Scroll - The Cult of Sotek

by Matthew Keefe


Ever since the resurgence of the Serpent god Sotek and his subsequent banishment of the pestilential Skaven from Lustria many Skinks have chosen to follow this, newest and grandest of the gods. Upon the plaque of Chaqua was his appearance first noted, and from the Skinks of this now ruined city did the first followers of Sotek emerge. Following the death of all but a handful Skinks beneath the tide of plague that swept Chaqua the Red Crested Skinks of that city fled deep into the jungle from where they passed word of the coming of the Serpent to the Skinks of the other cities.

In time the spreading cult of Sotek proved its validity to even the High Slann who had for so long remained unconvinced of the Serpent god’s power. As the coming of Sotek was heralded high in the sky the Slann Mage Priests gazed on in amazement as a flood of serpents rushed up from the bowels of the earth and drove the Skaven out of the jungle continent. With this new born symbol of power the Cult of Sotek rose instantly and immeasurably in the esteem of the Lizardmen and soon temples devoted to Sotek appeared in every city in Lustria.

Yet despite this far reaching acceptance the Cult of Sotek still remains elusive and fiercely independent. The Red Crested Skinks still wander deep in the jungle, homeless and exiled since the destruction of their city. Unique amongst the Lizardmen the cultists stand apart from the Mage Priests and go about their business in pursuit of nothing more than the constant empowering of their god Sotek. Every day they scour the jungle in search of sacrificial victims with which to bloat and fodder the great serpent so that he might one day swallow the rat-god himself, their every goal dictated by the fulfilment of his ancient prophecies, so long disbelieved by the Slann.

This Battle Scroll is intended to allow you to create an army based upon the Cult of Sotek. Creating an army in this manner will allow you to include troops not normally available to Lizardman armies, and also to structure the army other than normal. Characters, regiments and so on are chosen from the list below and selected as described in Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen unless noted otherwise here.


Your army must be led by a Prophet of Sotek, either a Skink Hero or Shaman as you please, selected in the normal manner. Alternatively your army may be led by Tenehuini himself.


The Warrior Priests of Sotek are devoted to ensuring that all his  followers are protected from attack, and fight to bring about Sotek’s prophecy by martial skill and force of arms. They lead the warrior following of Sotek and govern the warrior temples devoted to the Serpent god. Your army may include up to 1 Warrior Priest for every unit of Skink Warriors it contains. Warrior Priests are Skink Heroes selected in the normal manner. Up to 1 Warrior Priest may be included in the howdah of each Stegadon in the army as a crew member.


The Priests of Sotek act as assistant to the Prophet of Sotek and administer rule over the entire cult. Each unit of Skink Warriors may include a single Priest of Sotek, chosen as a Skink Shaman. Priests of Sotek may only carry a single magic item.


Each unit in the army may be led by one of Sotek’s Chosen, those Skinks picked out by their pronounced Red Crests. Sotek’s Chosen are Skink Champions, selected in the normal manner.


The scribes are the most intelligent and alert of the cult’s members, working as understudies to the Priests of Sotek. It is they that constantly maintain the prophecies of Sotek and relentlessy copy the writings and decrees of the cults leaders so that their word might be spread to each and every Temple City across the continent. In times of war the Scribes accompany their brothers to battle bearing the Prophecies of Sotek borne upon great plaques with which to incite their brethren and act as a constant reminder of their duty to Sotek. Skink Scribes are chosen as described at the end of this list.



Your army may include a single unit of Red Crested Skinks, the handful of survivors of the terrible plague wrought upon the now lost city of Chaqua by the wretched Skaven. The Red Crested Skinks are the most feared and fanatical followers of Sotek and are selected as described at the end of this list.

2+ Regiments of SKINK WARRIORS

Your army must include at least 2 units of Skink Warriors, and may include more if you wish. The Skinks are selected as normal with the additional option that 1 unit in every 3 may carry a magic standard.


The dull-witted Kroxigor are easily led, and so the nible-minded Skinks commonly draw them to the Cult where they are used purely for their  brutish force of body. Each Skink unit may include up to 1 Kroxigor for every 12 Skinks it contains. The army may not contain units of Kroxigor acting independently of the Skinks.


Your army may include up to 1 unit of Skink Cold One riders for every unit of Skink Warriors it contains. The Cold One riders are chosen in the normal manner with the additional option that they may carry javelins or throwing darts (+2 points per model).


The army may include up to 1 Terradon for every unit of Skink Warriors it contains forming a single unit of 1 or more models. If the army contains 6 or more Terradons they may be divided into two units of roughly equal size.


The Stegadons are far harder for the Skinks to train than the other Lizard-beasts and so the Cult has remarkably few of these beasts. Without the magic bindings of the Slann they find it hard to control these vast beasts and commonly find the Stegadons extremely uncooperative. Your army may include up to 1 Stegadon (with the usual crew) for every full 1,000 points it contains. The Stegadon is chosen in the normal manner and may choose additional crew and so forth as usual.


Your army may include up to 1 Salamander for every unit of Skink Warriors it contains.


Your army may include any number of Serpent or Lizard Swarms at a cost of 50 points per base. In addition the power of Sotek draws many serpentine creatures to follow his servants and aid them in their efforts against the Serpent’s enemies. Every unit of Skink Warriors (including Red Crested Skinks) numbering 16 or more allows you to include a single Serpent base at no cost.

Skink Scribes    16 points per model

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Scribe 6 2 3 3 3 1 5 1 6

Equipment: A Scribe is armed with a hand weapon and carries a Plaque of Sotek. Special Rules: Scribes are skinks, and subject to the all the special rules for Skinks. In addition the Scribe counts as a standard in combat (due to the Plaque) and allows his unit to re-roll failed break tests in combat.

The Red Crested Skinks of Chaqua  11 points per model

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
RedCrested 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6

Equipment: The Red Crested Skinks carry two hand weapons, sacrificial daggers with which they offer praise to Sotek.

Special Rules: The Red Crested Skinksa re subject to all the special rules for Skinks. In addition they are so fanatical in the service of their serpent god that they are subject to frenzy if accompanied by a Scribe or Warrior Priest of Sotek as described in the Warhammer rulebook. In addition they hate all Skaven.

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