It has been noticed by many players that the fighting rules in the newly released game Fellowship of the Ring slant a bit toward luck over the skill of the fighter.  Given enough luck, a Moria Goblin could win a combat over even the mighty Balrog, a creature the Goblin has no luck of truly besting in combat, much less harming!  While luck should have some effect, it should never be more important than a fighter's skill.  To correct this little problem, we've come up with the following house rule.

Hand to Hand Combat

The best option is to simply use the Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th Edition hand to hand "To Hit Chart", found on page 69 of the Warhammer rulebook.  Just substitute "Fight" (F) for "Weapon Skill" (WS) on the chart.  If you don't have a copy of the Warhammer rulebook, borrow one from a friend.

Back to Middle Earth.

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