by Tommy Punk

This is a serie of themed Skaven armylists that will allow you to field an army made up entirely of a single clan. This is how I picture a Skaven army with the bulk of the troops and characters from a single clan and Clan Skryre and Clan Moulder weapons and beasts hired as allies. The lists introduce new troops and warmachines and you can use them with Warhammer Armies Skaven as well.

Warmachines and Monster sections
Some of the armylists have a smaller section for warmachines or monster, this is to represent that these clans do not use warmachines or monsters in their main tactic. The masters of warmachines are Clan Skryre and they make a fortune hiring out their warmachines as allies to the other clans. Clan Moulder do the same and hire out their trained monsters to the other clans as mounts and fighting beasts. In the case of monsters as mounts the monster cost is included in the characters for the purpose of Victory Points and army selection. However the actual points are paid for from the monster section. EG a Skaven Warlord cost 90 pts and ride a Giant Spider at a cost of 50 pts. The Warlord is worth 140 pts for the purpose of VPs and he count as 140 pts when you add up characters to see if they account for less than 50%. But the actual costs paid is 90 from the characters section and 50 pts from the monster section.

Skaven special abilites
If you want to use the Skaven special abilities and mutations then all characters in an armylist is considered to belong to that clan. This also mean that you cannot buy the clan abilities as it has already been included in the armylist. The abilities can be found here.

Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on allied troops choosen from this list: Other Skaven Clans, Undead, Chaos, Orcs & Goblins and Dark Elves. An allied character must be bought together with a unit. A character may not join an allied unit, ony an allied characters may join a unit from the same list.

Plaguelord Lepri of Clan Pestilen
Tommy Punk - UIN: 9946419 - Kalmar, Sweden
Please CC private mail to both emails. - Home email - Work Email - Archive Skaven - Archive Pestilen

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