The Darkside Links

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Click on any above subject to go directly there or scroll down to see all sections.

(Want to add yours to the list? Or is your site already listed here but you want to replace it with a banner? Simply email  me with yer site's details or whatever and I'll look into it.)


Ben & Grover's StarWars Page
Jedi Mind Tricks - hmmmm... - Info on StarWars characters n vehicles - check out the origin of StarWars
StarWars Imperial Center - Official StarWars site
The Ultimate StarWars Link Page - This is the mother of all StarWars Links site!!!
The Mos Eisley Spaceport - A great site
Docking Bay 94 - Another great site. Tons of stuff here.
The Jedi Knight's Homepage

- Another Dark site. Check it out for more fiendish experience

Blake's Imperial Homepages - An Imperial Site and way awesome.
Mad Max's Darkside - Another Darkling site. Evil rulez!!!
Surfer's Ltd - Cowabunga Dude!
The StarWars Database - check it out.
Nathan's StarWars Page
The StarWars Universe Society - A totally original site. Lots of original stories n stuff related to the StarWars Universe
Stormtrooper Information Central - A site dedicated to those way cool baddies and stuff 'bout them.
Keith's StarWars Page - Lots of info on Topps Promo cards and much more. Excellent.
StarWars The Restoration
The StarWars HomePage - Tons of info n stuff here.
Boba Fett's Home Sector
Jhett's World - devoted to all aspects of the StarWars saga.
Admiral Ackbar's Site
ISB Central Computer - another wonderfully Dark Imperial page.
The Dark Brotherhood - site of the most powerful force in the Universe.
Jess Vader's StarWars Page
Lurker's guide to Babylon5
Official Babylon5 site

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The Tolkien's Guild - great Tolkien page
The Halls of Tolkien - another great one, lots of images here!
Lord of the Rings MUSH page
FAQs on Tolkien and his works
Wheel of Time archives
Dave's Wheel of Time Graphix Factory - great collection of WOT images n stuff!
Wheel of Time FAQ - a great listing
The Dragon Compendium - guide to dragons
Dragon Pictures
AD&D stuff
Effie's D&D RPG Concordance

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Games listing of Quake servers, especially for those who don't have Qspy
Quake Command
Redwood Quake Command
Singapore Quake Clans - id's ftp server to stuff on Quake and other games
QuakeWorld Central - U can join in a Quake match thru' yer web browser!
Warcraft2's unit description - Blizzard's Homepage,Warcraft's developers
Warcraft2 Prayers - cheats for the game, I know U wanna go there, loser!
Warcraft strategy guide - some helpful basic strategy guides, hmmmm...
The RedAlert Page - a great c&c2 page!
Westwood Studios Page - c&c's creators
Gigabyte Games

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Ultimate Animanga page - random anime image, plus U can search for yer fav characters
Anime Resource Center
Club Toon links - err...links to some Anime & toon stuff
Exo's H Anime/Manga page - very ecchi stuff!

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Chaco's world list - listing of virtual worlds(MUDs, MOOs, etc..)
PCWorld page
Cnet Central
Modem FAQ
Kim Kommando's Komputer Klinic
Corel Magazine Resources
Corel International Users Group Organization
Animated Gifs
Addicted to Homepage - some stuff bout homepage building
Matt's script archive - loads of CGI scripts, great!
HTML Goodies - everything U need to know 'bout webpage creation.
w3tech-school of web design - gives U a crash course.
Web Mastery Resource List - Any or everything U wanna know 'bout webpages
Advanced HTML - hmmmm...

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Omnicron omnifspd homepage - site for downloading n stuff about fsp (file service protocol)
Alchemy Mindworks - developers of great graphics manipulation softwares
Kali Homepage - online netgaming software, supports lots of games
Scitech Display Doctor - the Univbe guys, supports to hundreds of graphics cards, gamers go get it!
FirstAid - good safeguarding software - loads of win95 stuff
Pop's win95 page - another win95 stuff site
Shareware Zone - tons of it here
Multimedia Software

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Official Iron Maiden Page
Nelson Fontana's Iron Maiden Page - a truly great page dedicated to Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden Heaven - another great one

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The Uncanny X page

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(I dunno how to categorise these great sites, so here they are!)

Addicted to Stuff
Extraterrestial Biological Entity Page
Seti Institute - great!
The first church of Jesus Christ, Elvis - weird...
Darkside of the Net - check this one out! - links to 'interesting' sites
The RamPage - one interesting place...
60 great conspiracies page
CalNet (The real X-files) - the truth is down here!
Tastelesness on the Web - links to well, err....tasteless places on the Net.
Tasty Insect Recipees - Yummy!
Infinity Void - cool site
First church of Mad Scientist - recommended
Warez Exchange page
Transhumanist Resource - wanna be better than just a mere human?
The Bureau of Atomic Tourism - site dedicated to promotion of tourists' spots 'round the globe of which were areas of atomic explosions or its development sites...
Mcdonald's FAQ - wanna know what's beyond the golden arches?
Atom Bomb - wanna make one?
The High Energy Weapons Archive
Shocker - go for a 'shocking' experience
DeathNews - errmm... - This is my ISP...

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(Disclaimer : I would not be held responsible for the contents of these pages or the actions of people who visits them. These links are provided by me only for informational and educational purposes. Follow these links at your own risk.)

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