Absolutely Smashing Links

or... Just Some Cool People To Know...

Links to other cool folks

See A Sassy Llama's Fashion Fads

Take a spin at the ever increasing world of Llama Fashion. Too bad getting dressed each day isn't as easy as this!

Bizzle Sizzles

Visit King Bizzle's page and see what he's up to, also be sure to check out his Mad Cow Disease.

The Dialectizer Thingamajiggie

Transform important e-mails or web pages to look like a redneck or Elmer Fudd wrote them. A big thumbs up in my book!

A Snazzy Jazzy Jacuzzi

PortAudio has all of your jazz accessories to become that successfull beatnik of your dreams.

7 Souls Oversoul 7

Oversoul 7 will supply your ears with the dream of being a successfull beatnik, then you'll have to go to the link above to fulfill them.

Humble Bums

Take a listen to the humble world of musical bums.

Delicious Recipes

Get yourself some delicious recipes from none other than Moog Cookbook. When you make any of these dishes, be sure to use the proper mooging temperature.

Create a Digical Pizza!

You may not be able to eat it, but you'll certainly enjoy your Internet Pizza, made fresh, just the way you like it.

Monkey Greetings

What's a better way to tell your loved ones that you really care than by sending them a chimp greeting?

He was once just a little green slab of clay...

Everything you ever wanted to know and more about our little friend Gumby and his pony pal pokey too.

The Amazing COWputer

What was once a mere pun, is now a reality. Yeee-haww!!! (Cud not included)

Goonie Loonie

Click and see for yourself!

Enter the Lavaworld of Lava Larry

This is the place where I won my very own GIANT Lava Lite. Sign their guestbook and you could be a winner too! (Yes, this is the only thing I've ever won in my life!)


Only for the adventurous and those with a lot of spare time.

Fly! Yoshi! Fly!

This a page about a pig. A FLYING pig that is...

Fashionable Fruit

Dress and un-dress your favorite fruit! And let's not forget the veggies either!

Stupid Human Noises

Yup, get all your lovely bodily function sounds here. A must for the poodle-ladies!



All the world's wisdom

This is where I get most of my important information, and it's all true.

If You Know Yer Sexy

For those of us who are just too sexy for our shirts.

Get Your Bible Gum Here!

Yes indeed, here it is, you heard me right, Bible Gum. The bubble gum for the religious. I got a tin of this stuff and I have to tell you, it's pretty amazing!

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Since July 20th 1997

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