108. Rapture


On the eve of the acceptance of Bajor into the Federation--and of Kasidy Yates' return--after seeing a painting of B'Hala, Sisko is inspired to seek the legendary lost Bajoran city, guided by markings on an obelisk. Studying a hologram of the obelisk, Sisko is knocked unconscious when the computer shorts out. He recovers, and is able to use the markings to locate B'Hala. He also has visions that may reveal the fate of Bajor. However, his heightened neural activity begins to endanger his life. He collapses after interrupting the signing ceremony between Bajor and the Federation to warn that Bajor will be destroyed if it enters the Federation now. With Jake's consent, Bashir performs a life-saving operation that ends Sisko's visions. Bajor's government decides to defer Federation membership.

Summary provided by The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon by kind permission of Tracy Hemenover. 1