113. By Inferno's Light


The Dominion fleet comes through the wormhole, but bypasses the station and heads for Cardassia. Dukat joins them, announcing that after months of secret negotiation, Cardassia is now a member of the Dominion, and Dukat is now head of the Cardassian government. He vows to retake the station. The Klingons are expelled from Cardassian space, and Gowron is persuaded to reinstate the Khitomer accords. Meanwhile, Garak and Bashir work on an escape plan, while Worf is put to work helping the Jem'Hadar train by fighting them. The prisoners escape, and the Defiant stops the Bashir Changeling from destroying the Bajoran sun. A permanent Klingon presence, headed by Martok, is established on DS9.

Summary provided by The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon by kind permission of Tracy Hemenover. 1