117. Ties of Blood and Water
Legate Ghemor, the Cardassian who once mistakenly believed Kira to be his daughter (see "Second Skin", 3rd season), comes to DS9. Kira is delighted, until she learns he is dying. In keeping with Cardassian tradition, he wants to pass on his secrets to be used against his enemies, secrets that could prove damaging to the new Cardassian/Dominion alliance. Dukat comes to the station, hoping to take Ghemor back before he can reveal anything; he gives Kira information on Ghemor's presence at a raid on a Bajoran monastery. Kira denies Ghemor her comfort, until she realizes she is taking out her anger at herself for failing to be there at her own father's death. Ghemor dies, and Kira buries him beside her own father, while Dukat leaves disappointed.
Summary provided by The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon by kind permission of Tracy Hemenover.